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Bevo in VA

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bevo in VA

  1. So how much scat porn does it take before advertisers start to flee?
  2. Who is that twat waffle? Does he realize he's the only one left over there?
  3. JFC - that's fucking terrible. Nice work!
  4. You wonder what they are thinking. "Hey what's your take on 3 man vs 4 man D line?" Insert scat gif. "I think we're really going to miss Ford" (as if the scat gif just naturally fit in the debate).
  5. I still see the occasional post from someone over there acting as if nothing has happened. There was a guy talking about the basketball final just today or yesterday.
  6. Just watch the Missouri game. That was pretty much a highlight tape in itself.
  7. But the problem was half of the threads on Bada turned into anti-cop rants and buried all the other stuff.
  8. Was there ever any proof this turd is RudeDawg on the twitters?
  9. Well that's quite the let down.
  10. Everything still looks normal to me. I can still log in. Tjhookers porn/scat gifs now showing up again. Keep up the good work!
  11. I can still get on. Looks like they have deleted a bunch of drive by scat gifs from tjhooker recently.
  12. Unfortunately it's not going away.
  13. I cashed all mine in for John Mueller Meat Co. gift cards.
  14. Just hope this doesn't inspire UnclePhucker and Bedouin to find this place and come back anew.
  15. There was still plenty of porn posted before that. And if it disappears, I'm guessing it won't take long to show back up again.
  16. And then how long did it take you to forget them?
  17. So did I see mention of an appeal of the verdict? Any chance BL gets Shaggy back down the road?
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