Funny thing about a professionals image. I’m part of a group that provides housing in Augusta for golfers who come in for the masters. I also rent it out for coaches who come in for the Nike Jam in North Augusta.
Over the years I have met a lot of these guys. They are not my friends, it’s just business. But, part of the agreement is you must provide certain goods and services over the week. So some contact is inevitable. Very, very few are what you see on TV or in print when you interact with them in person. I would say it’s about the same in any work environment. You got your good ones, and you got your prima-donnas.
Some just surprise the hell out of you.
One example. The Nike group puts on a golf tournament at the River course every year. One time I played a foursome that included Bobby Knight, and Bobby Cremins. Up until that round of golf I knew what everyone else knew about Knights behavior and specifically his temperament. I was absolutely shocked when I saw him in that closed environment away from cameras or people. The guy couldn’t have been more genuine. Great fucking story teller, not a particularly good golfer (great card player however). But, he would answer any questions you threw at him. His language was colorful, but so is mine so that was no problem. My point is what you see from ANY celebrity in a public setting doesn’t really mean much. Some are just better at their PR. I think this week shows that Bryson has improved in that regard since his bravado after winning his first US Open.