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59 Burst

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Everything posted by 59 Burst

  1. It is a fun discussion. As a species we have accomplished some awesome shit. But, we are fragile, and lack the technology to venture into the cosmos. I also think we live on a very, very rare planet. The combination of magnetic protection, abundance of water, Goldilock zone, a moon that influences tides all are required for our survival. Not to mention dinosaurs. We are a fluke that probably doesn’t even exist if not for a ELE that took those guys out. Since they evolved first perhaps there are planets full of dinosaurs that just go about their lives. Never aware of anything else.
  2. I really don’t think there is much of talent gap. I think youth and situational awareness is the issue. That base running gaffe in the 5th was a back breaker. ou was on their heals, Horns just cut it to 3 and had runners at 2nd and 3rd. Women’s softball has huge shifts of momentum. Horns put more runs across the plate in that inning ou doesn’t enjoy the extra cushion that they got off of that play keeping that three run lead.
  3. I read somewhere that he was at some brainiac symposium and made the remark tongue in cheek, and it took off from there. I have no idea if that is true.
  4. I worked at Aberdeen. Credible sightings in general are a rocky road. I have witnessed trained individuals offer different accounts of the same event. And these people were aware of what they were about to witness. So no shock value episode one would experience seeing ET causing a psychological event. Mostly they would corroborate each other. But seldom would these individuals respond to the prepared questions in the same way. Details as simple as what “what color was it” on occasion would be remembered differently. It wasn’t that they were lying or misleading. They just simply saw the event from their own point of view mixed with all the craziness that goes into our memory process. So the “credible witness” oftentimes has difficulty remembering an event, especially its details. When subjected to vigorous questioning by someone who knows the process. The Fermi paradox is outside of my CV. But, I do find it interesting.
  5. Just a throw out question. I’m a type 2 diabetic. Any recommendations for some chips I can enjoy that won’t kill me?
  6. Are you fucking illiterate? My original post, and the subsequent ones were about the advanced performance of UAP’s. Thats it, I meant nothing else. So far as the incidents you tacked on. You know shit. You’re an internet guy. If you weren’t part of the forensic teams on site you don’t know dick. More importantly you’re not qualified to have a professional opinion on those incidents. All you can do is regurgitate some shit you read somewhere. See, this is the shit everyone on this site knows about you. You’re incapable of having a good conversation.
  7. You really can’t help yourself with that cloak room aggressive attitude bullshit, can you? Show me something you believe I haven’t seen. So far as aircraft performance my career consists of working with people like Bill Lear and Dean Dohm of AiResearch certifying the Lear Jet 36 with TFE 731 engines. What exactly are your qualifications in aviation?
  8. It’s a great mental exercise. As you pointed out, mathematically it’s difficult to dispute. But, we ain’t met one yet. Or at least if we have we haven’t been given the details. I also enjoy astrophotography. When you spend hours looking up at the night sky you find a lot to contemplate. Hell, it’s why I’m up now. I’m doing a 100 picture stack at 30’ intervals.
  9. I have no idea about life in the universe. However they do call it the Fermi paradox. And a completely different conversation. I’m strictly on the point of a UAP’s unexplainable performance.
  10. Oh, I believe people have seen them. I also believe the footage from military aircraft that has been released is legit. Though I’m not aware of any observations where the vehicle broke vertical crossing the Von Karmin line. Crossing that boundary would really be an interesting discussion. But, I also ask myself who benefits from releasing such information. Every military has a risk management group. Seeing that type of thing would cause great concern to any person tasked with determining if the US has something others don’t. mostly for the very reason you pointed out. How can you shoot down what you can’t catch? I’m just of the opinion that just because a UAP displays extraordinary flight characteristics doesn’t mean it’s an alien. We went from Kitty Hawk to the moon in 65 years. Why is it so difficult to believe that in the 60 years since Apollo we couldn’t develop far more advanced technologies along the same developmental timeline? It’s just my opinion. I’ve seen the same shit everyone else on here has seen. Is it interesting? Yes, but just because we (the public) cant explain it doesn’t make it aliens. You attacked. I didn’t want to argue.
  11. Whenever I hear of things flying around doing amazing things. I quickly remember that Kelly Johnson and his Skunkworks built the SR71 in the 50’s. Though some of its secrets have slowly filtered out through former pilots, ground crews and engineers. Its overall performance ceiling has never been revealed. It is the most advanced airframe the public is aware of, yet no one knows shit about. That said I really have no problem believing that in the 60+ years since that airframe was certified the powers that be have had plenty of time to design develop, and deploy some pretty radical shit. Including shit that can fly out of the ocean, defy gravity, and is really fucking fast. I’m one of those that simply believes we are alone. Just clever use of people’s imaginations providing cover for advanced research.
  12. I left Austin many years ago. I get it, you got to do what you got to do, but damn.
  13. I want to replace the barrel on a Remington 40x in .22 rimfire. Preferably in the heaviest contour I can find. Something like .9 or 1” at the muzzle. I can’t find anyone who can locate a barrel, much less have the knowledge to cut the shoulder, thread and chamber it. Which is fucked up because it used to be pretty easy to find a smith who could manage it.
  14. I have not. I have been procrastinating. I’ll post when I call him.
  15. I’m sure you have a nice place, but damn. 20k is a lot of money.
  16. 59 Burst

    Steely Dan

    I always thought there was a certain degree of mystery about them. Sure, it is easy to google something now. But when you had to buy some monthly publication, and hopefully they covered what you were interested in. Some basic shit went under the radar. For me, I always felt they were far more cerebral than the average rock band. There was complexity to the arrangements that most top 40 lacked at the time. Not Yes or ELP complexity. Just not the simplicity of say, the Eagles. I’ll also be the first to admit I never knew they used Skunk, and Larry (Mr. 335) Carlton. That is a pretty diverse pair of guitarists who approach the instrument from radically different points of view. Then you have their attention to detail in production of the albums themselves. If you were an audiophile back in the day few albums moved the needle like the quality of sound you got from Aja. The production of that album made average stereos sound really good. Until then many high end stereo stores used shit like Gino Vinnelli’s People Gotta Move. Simply because it was perfect to audition something like JBL’s Paragon. Which ran about $10,000 in the mid 70’s.
  17. Unless it is specifically about rock guys. I always find it interesting guys like Max Roach, Sunny Grier or Lenny White never get mentioned in these conversations. It seems as if people are often judging the music they played and not necessarily the talent of the musician.
  18. Here ya go.
  19. Excellent!
  20. Here is the same pistol in a presentation case. The firearms industry really went about things much differently many moons ago.
  21. Anthony Martin at Red tail Forge made me this one.
  22. I thought the same thing. I had no idea others felt the same way. He just looked extremely comfortable in the role.
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