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Certifiably Surly
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NeverMarryAStripper last won the day on May 19 2021

NeverMarryAStripper had the most liked content!


22559 Surly 1%

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About NeverMarryAStripper

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  1. So does J Gilligan's bar. That's what we used last year for the Big XII CCG. It looks like they drop off near the Surly tailgate. http://www.jgilligans.com/shuttle/index.html
  2. Wrong, the G2 0.5 mm is the tits and the only pen I will use
  3. So idiotic replies from people with no reading comprehension ability to that post
  4. I just hope Ohio State’s coach doesn’t punch one of our players
  5. I have always hated OSU’s helmets with all of those little stickers on them. It looks like the helmet of some 6 year old girl.
  6. Anybody received notification about Cotton Bowl tickets yet?
  7. Yet he is still just a speedbump on our road the the National Championship
  8. I don’t even want to know where you got your bloody black eyed peas from. Also, only you youngsters think it’s the NY6 bowls. The Peach and Fiesta are newcomers. It’s the big 4 bowls
  9. If you get hit on the top of your head by a bullet the. It was most likely gunfire
  10. I I’m in bed watching tv and I have an 86 pound dog on my chest and a 13 pound dog on my head, so yes fuck the fireworks illegal being shot off in the city limits
  11. Here’s to hoping 2025 is better than 2024; it’s doubtful, but one can always hope.
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