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Certifiably Surly
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NeverMarryAStripper last won the day on May 19 2021

NeverMarryAStripper had the most liked content!


23131 Surly 1%

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About NeverMarryAStripper

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  1. He won a fucking Oscar for it
  2. They should just start referring to it as the Gulf formerly known as Mexico
  3. It tastes more like pee starch
  4. Fuck safelite, they do a shitty job
  5. Did she give him a hand job in the cab?
  6. I doubt Vince Young is flying private these days
  7. What a poorly written headline. The men died while they were searching for Bigfoot; they were found by people searching for them.
  8. It also says it averaged $52.5 per school. If TX/OU got half a distribution then the other 14 school got more than that.
  9. It looks like they were trying to back into a parking space. Fuck those people.
  10. I'm sorry, but somebody just needs to take him off the board
  11. I thought season 2 was better as well, but the ending was just a little over the top
  12. That sounds like something a beta cuck would say
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