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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NeverMarryAStripper

  1. My twitter account just got suspended for suggesting that someone should taze Abbott in the nutsack, even though he wouldn't feel it.
  2. Definitely Buffy. There was a lot of hot ass on that show
  3. I’ve been going to OU games since the 70’s and have only really seen a few incidents outside of the complete riot that that night before used to be. One year after one of Mack’s epic beat down games my ex and I were leaving the fair grounds and this drunk OU fan got in our faces yelling and screaming at us. I planted the toe of my boot (and they were pointy toed boots not some square toed bullshit) right into his scrotum without even breaking stride. That dude collapsed like one of those car lot inflatable men when you turn the fan off. The last we saw his friends were trying to pick him up off the ground. Fuck Mack for making me attend those beat downs.
  4. I’m glad that my sitting in the dark without air conditioning for 10 days in the middle of 100 degree weather this summer helped fund the retirement for all of the CenterPoint shareholders and I’m especially glad to have contributed to the bonus pool for their executives who have done such an outstanding job. Of course, let’s not forget the few bucks I’m forced to throw their way every month to help fund the $800 million that their ex CEO paid to get laid.
  5. By that time aggy will be like 6-5 and there’s more likely to be 80,000 Longhorn fans than 80,000 aggy fans there
  6. Well I'm glad I got my oldest son's birth certificate changed while I could. I'm a Jr., and my son's birth certificate lists my dad as his father.
  7. It's because most Americans are too stupid to formulate their own opinions and have to have them given to them
  8. Someone could always make a call to his office and suggest that if he goes to the game he might suffer an "accident". You might want to do it from a burner phone though. I bet making that twitter post is the closest Rafael has been to pussy in years.
  9. We also picked up a piece of California
  10. I know when Mack was coach that none of the assistants, not even the coordinators, had contracts at all. They were just at-will employees who could be terminated at any time. I'm sure that's not the case any longer. I know this for a fact because I once requested a copy of Greg Davis' contract under FOI, and they sent me a redacted copy of his pay stub with the explanation above.
  11. Maybe we should wait until at least the third or fourth game of the season before handing out the Heisman.
  12. I’d be willing to bet you that fewer trans women have competed in athletic completions this year than school children have been murdered at their desks by weapons specifically designed to kill and maim large numbers of people conveniently and easily.
  13. Doesn’t know when to move the horns up during the eyes….. would not bang
  14. It’s hard to believe that anyone who watches TikTok videos even has checks
  15. Fuck Butt Adams, I wish I could dig him up and kill him again.
  16. After I saw the post about the dog, it still took me three viewings to see the dog
  17. So, how will the season go once we start off 0-3?
  18. Every time that cunt is allowed to ask a question in Sark’s press conference it should be “yes you there, the stupid guy who didn’t vote for Vince for the Heisman”
  19. Technically, napalm is any mixture of a volatile petrochemical and a gelling agent. The napalm used in Vietnam that smelled so good in the morning was a mixture of gasoline, benzene, and polystyrene.
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