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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NeverMarryAStripper

  1. Based on what's been happening lately, he was probably planning on whipping it out and wanking
  2. OK, that was funny. People getting drunk and ruining their life not so much (depending on who it is I guess)
  3. If we're going to fire our coach because he's short and wanted to be his own pitching coach then we're not going to turn around and hire a pitching coach to be our head coach.
  4. Any alliance with Russian isn't worth the paper it's printed on, but I bet they would be happy tp trade nuclear tech for conventional weapons
  5. If there are two people involved, it's maybe 50/50 on reaching an agreement, If there are three or more people involved, there is no chance of reaching an agreement. If the people are family members, you can cut the odds in half..
  6. See, you jut fell for the hoax because you believe your own eyes and not what they read online
  7. Yes, but the question will become, who will be around to kick the USA's ass
  8. Well speaking from experience it sure wasn’t that
  9. They could just issue a statement that they repudiate the Moscow Peace Treaty, which might require a vote of their parliament.
  10. I hope for that she got Willie to play at the reception and provide the weed
  11. Anyone who drinks gin in any form should be flogged
  12. I have a feeling that when all of this shakes out that there are going to be a lot of disappointed people on this board
  13. Las Vegas hell, we could keep the Texas grid powered
  14. Looks like 2004, Welcome to Mooseport
  15. Somebody needs to put that next to Trump doing his two-handed jackoff dance
  16. The trick to getting your groceries bagged correctly is to put them on the conveyor belt in the order that they should be bagged. It’s your fault the groceries aren’t getting bagged correctly.
  17. For the second time this month I set my phone on the back bumper of my truck and then forgot to get it before driving off. The first time it made it several miles before sliding off. I didn’t realize it until I got home, but using the find my iPhone app on my IPad I located it on Woodway drive. Unfortunately it had been run over several times. This time it made it to within a block of my house so it didn’t get run over and the screen is just completely smashed. I guess I’m going to have to start wearing it in a pouch around my neck like a giant lifealert.
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