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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by NeverMarryAStripper

  1. This probably falls in the category of CSB. Back in the dark ages, before Title IX, high school girls who wanted to play competitive softball had to go through local sports associations. My older sister played on a team coached by my mom and they were really good. After high school, she and two of the other really good players wanted to play in college, but aggy was the only SWC school with a team. My dad approached the UT AD (DKR) and offered to fund a Texas team. He was turned down and UT wouldn’t get a softball oldie another 25 years.



  2. Using a white man's white language dictionary to describe a Mexican origin Spanish word. 

    This is real Mexican shit, go fuck up some other culture's food and leave mine alone. That's the problem with you people, you always think you know shit about everything when you fucking don't. 

    Lots of words in the English language have foreign origins, that doesn’t mean its definition in the English language is governed by the foreign language definition. If you were a real expert your post would have been in Spanish, not the white man’s white language.

  3. So how long will aggy keep wearing their Hamilton Tigercat gear and bragging on johnny with him not being good enough to crack a CFL lineup. Or maybe this is just another chapter in the vast sip conspiracy.

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