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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by NeverMarryAStripper

  1. Crawfish Bisque at Pappy's, (not an everyday item) BTW - Pappy's is moving a few miles down the Katy Freeway

    Kids and I like Pappys and go there quite a bit and know it’s practically just across the freeway.
    • Like 1
  2. Akumal is more of a place for hanging out on the beach and chilling. It’s good if you get a condo with a kitchen and can do breakfast in and snacks and stuff. You definitely need a car to get places and not really a place for night life. It’s a good base for driving to activities in the area Tulum for a beach club and the ruins and Xel-ha. There’s quite a bit to do in the area. We even drove to Chichen Itza one day. It was just the kids and I and after a day of activities we would just eat dinner, swim a little, and then crash.


  3. The story said he was itching and his dick “accidentally” fell out of his shorts. Girl claimed he was masturbating with his dick out. One guy does this and just possibly his story is true. But right now it’s starting to sound like some kind of “jock itch” epidemic with all these itched dicks jumping out. I’m inclined to believe the women.


    Maybe they all caught something from dumbo baggins old lady.

  4. I have mixed emotions about Mama's Cafe on Westheimer.  I really liked the place, but I went there a lot with my ex.

    I miss Vargo's.  Spent many dinners before high school formals there trying to make my date feel fancy so I could get laid.  It was a beautiful restaurant, but the food was probably so so, not that my uneducated high school palate knew the difference.

  5. It sounds like you were close and he lived a long and good life.  Relish those facts and don't dwell on the sadness.  My dad died 24 years ago.  He had a good life, but it was way to short and we were never very close.  I still regret that, so be grateful for what you had.

  6. I've been going to Sage 400, near Sage and Alabama lately and it's now my favorite Japanese place.  The sushi is supposed to be good also, but I wouldn't know because the only raw seafood I eat is oysters, and maybe a tuna taco every once in a while.

  7. Do they let you bring posters into the park?  I'm going to get tickets behind the piggie dugout and I'd like to express my hatred for them.


    I'm open to suggestions, but right now I'm thinking 


    After Tuesday piggie will be sitting at home pulling their pork and feeling surly. This one's for you Augie.


  8. I'm a cheap mother fucker for most things and the quality inn is right next to the bus line downtown.  I'm down for a ten minute bus ride.  It can't be worse than riding the city bus in the Dominican Republic.

    The more I think about this the more pumped I'm getting.  Playing piggie just makes it even better, they are they only fan base that even come close to my hatred for Okies and they are so sure that beating us in some early season midweek games means they are going to kick our ass.  Fuck them.  I want to know which dugout they are going to be in so I can get tickets right behind it.  I am going give them shit until they get back on the bus crying like twinkle toes from ttu.

    i tried to get my oldest son to meet me in Omaha for this (he's a UT plan II graduate), but he already has plan in Vegas with his friends.  I checked and UT is 15-1 to win the CWS so I told him to put a hundred on it for me.


    Fuck I'm pumped, did I say that already.

    • Like 3
  9. You definitely want to go to the titters on the Council Bluffs side.  The Razzle Dazzle used to be the best/closest one over there.

    On the Nebraska side, they have to keep their nipples covered.  (No, I'm not joking; it's pathetic.)

    My daughter would be really happy if I came home with a new mom for her.
  10. I just looked that season up, and unless Wikipedia is wrong (impossible), witchita state sent FSU home with a single loss in that CWS too. 
    This new format is the only correct way to do it.  

    I’m pretty sure Texas is the only team ever to get sent home with one loss. I haven’t looked it up, but I’m old and know shit.
    • Like 1
  11. I've never understood parents who get so caught up in kids sports. Just bizarre to me.

    I helped coach my oldest son’s little league team for one year. Never fucking again would I do that. Fuck those parents for yelling at you for volunteering your time. I would fuck some of the mothers though.
    • Like 2
  12. Has anybody tweeted that picture of the piggy doing the horns down during their super regional to Kody? You know just to make sure he’s in the proper frame of mind for Sunday.

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