I really hurt Sebastian’s feelings tonight. He brought one on his favorite toys to bed tonight and he was stretched out on the bed with it tucked up close to his head between his paws. I was up watching television and he was sound asleep. I wear headphones when I watch tv in bed because it makes it easier for me to hear and if the tv is too loud he gets annoyed and goes and sleeps on the couch. So he was really out. I had to get up and pee, so I paused the show. When I came back I tried to sneak up on him and steal his toy. He snapped awake in less than a nano second and really growled at me. I severely chastised him for it, even though I know better that to do that to a dog. When I finished chastising him I took his toy and put it in his toy box in the den. When I got back to the bedroom he just looked at me like he was afraid I was going to take him back to the SPCA. Anyway, I made up with him and I think he has forgiven me. At least his snoring right now sounds like he has forgiven me, but I still feel bad about it.