I hate to say this since you all think I’m Kelly, but to be quite Frank she has done more than any other member. She does treat this as the best job she has ever had and that’s what I’d want from an elected. Maybe she went to counseling and figured her life out. Maybe not. But she has proven, time and time again, she is willing to take the hard stances. (Ex the Adler shit about him using city resources to campaign which is against the city charter and bypasses party lines)
I will also say, for the district I live in, she has gone out of her way to have meetings and talk. Even if they don’t live in the city. The ETJ, the MUD, she is fully aware that what happens in the city affects them all.
say what you will about my profile or her, at least she’s trying. And she is doing a more than okay job. Perhaps it’s wisdom with age or actually giving a fuck but she is a completely different human than she was on surly. And that’s saying something.
she is now the “darling” of the party and every year she is away from her past she is going to predicate the future. Look at the monitor article. She’s not a Zimmerman. She’s not a Flannigan. She has found a way to make her way and not be ridiculous. Hate me but it is what it is. And we all have to accept that.