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  1. Is there any chance we see the Bond of the first half of the season again? Feels like I was watching 2009 Texas offense today. Colt to Shipley and not a lot else.
  2. The new Ndominic Suh. A player so devastating that even beating him feels like a loss.
  3. "Poor aggie" on the surface is pretty mild, but for some reason hearing it makes aggy immediately see red. You would expect accusing them of having relations with sheep would be more offensive. "From the outside...."
  4. I know one of the d-linemen did, then got injured again on another big play.
  5. I would have liked a little more, "pooooor aggy" for my viewing pleasure. But otherwise, thoroughly enjoyed it.
  6. This ended up working against aggy because it gave Wisner a break, so he could run for 8 more yards the next play. It is bullshit though.
  7. My favorite SEC moment of all time!
  8. Has a rules analyst ever not agreed with the ref calls?
  9. At least we all have the horrible memory of illegal blocking on the defense so that if it ever gets calls again we immediately have terrible flashbacks. Like we do when a defensive linemen gets called for holding.
  10. Only thing I can think of was they had noticed some tendency that they thought they could exploit. But the pass was so immediate there was never a second for the defense to vacate the spot even if it would have worked. This is my most charitable read.
  11. Miraculously hold to fg, miraculously don’t commit a penalty on offense and score, miraculously hold to three and out and it is a ball game.
  12. Ref waved first down immediately too. He knew what he was trying to do.
  13. That is the farthest measurement I have ever seen in my life.
  14. When they beat us last year, I didn't hear a single thing from my ~10 UW co-workers. When I was still in Austin, if we had a close game against Tech or Baylor, their alumni would bring that up every day for a year.
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