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Everything posted by WalmartTexasFans

  1. Do we get to count Jordan Shipley's special team output?
  2. 2008 Tech is the standard for refs not calling penalties and 2015 OSU is the standard for refs actively interfering. This game had a little bit of both.
  3. Regardless of whether he was injured or just really off, I don't understand why we never tried simple passes to get a rhythm going. Every pass was a deep ball, a deep out with pressure, a fumble or throwing to Sanders and just hoping he did something spectacular. WR screens, RB Screens, slants, quick outs, even those fake passes where the WR goes in motion and takes a forward lateral? Where were the passes you hear about with a young QB and the commentator says the obvious "trying to build confidence with some simple plays"?
  4. Are screens and short passes to wr illegal? The type of “easy” passes you give to young qb to build confidence?
  5. It looks like when a golf swing abandons someone and they just get worse throughout the round.
  6. You could have told me Texas was up 21 or down 14 and both would have been totally believable. OSU's stadium is one of the worst in the world. Dangerous walls, looks terrible on tv, always windy, high school goal posts.
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