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Everything posted by locodos

  1. Chili's talk and heartburn not going away... the best thing on the menu that will absolutely wreck you
  2. Or struggling media that serves a valuable public service parasitized by investors to extract value for share holders over viable modernization strategies. Where we are now? Grift > Integrity Michael Milken & Ivan Boesky American Heroes!
  3. PSA: If you're clicking a paywalled news link, click the link then quickly hit ctrl+p Then you can read the article in the print preview or save it to a PDF. Fuck these assholes
  4. In blue Broward Fl, The Sun-Sentinel won't endorse a Presidential candidate. Fuck them all
  5. Listen, she should have thought about all that before making so much melanin and not growing a cock in the womb. There is a lot more to it... namely shareholders & stock buy backs I can hear this gif He's Swedish and you know it!
  6. Do you think people brought their own TV to the gym? Also it just turns the TV off, not damages it. I'll hang up and listen...
  7. Someone's forgotten about Meal Team 6
  8. The norf cakalaki hillbillies are enraged and incensed that the US government hasn't rebuilt their houses, roads, and bridges yet. Some of them didn't even have food or water given to them (checks notes) the day after the storm they were warned about for days in advance. They think their hurricane relief funds (totally not socialist) have been given to Ukraine! They weren't going to vote for Kamala, but the storm made things worse for her there. Hey and they should have hung Lee like he was Arnold fucking Palmer
  9. He really thinks the Mexicans put sourcream, pico, and shredded lettuce on everything, doesn't he?
  10. Trump claims victory election night... I feel pretty sure this happens no matter what
  11. I assumed that was the case, but I think it is a HUGE mistake. Don't normalize his awefulness. That allows the BOTH SIDES crowd to feel ok about being a horrible person by voting for a horrible agenda. Make grandma pull the lever for a rapist.
  12. I'm increasingly angry that the Harris campaign hasn't gone scorched earth on Trump. The truth is that negative ads work. He should be tarred 24/7 with Felon, sex offender, fascist... etc. But nope they're gonna play it cute and tongue in cheek. Probably feel this way because the Trumpkins here are starting to come back out of the closet. It's infuriating.
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