Man this is tough and I'm kinda in the same boat, but if you can talk to them (not lecture) then you can largely deprogram them over time. My friend, whom I have known since I was 5 is not that educated. He has a quick wit and high EQ and can figure out how to do just about anything except pass college English. He has an undiagnosed learning disability along with dyslexia. But his family's ethos seemed to be "help is for the weak, just work harder" Now he has his own service company that he truly built himself from scratch. But making rounds in a truck and listening to talk radio is a hell of a drug.
Almost daily conversations over years. Calmly using facts to wash off the layers of BS. Then reinforce conversations with supporting info from actual experts not youtube influencers. One of the things that worked surprisingly well when he talked about podcasts and youtube channels was to ask him about what products they were selling. I think that made the connection that these aren't truth bringers, but charlatans. I talked with him a lot about social media engagement mechanisms designed enrage and delight. One of his guys was the one who dragged him down the rabbit hole, but he quit after my friend got vaccinated and that's helped out a lot. (yes I had to talk him through all that)
tl/dr if you care about the person you will help them not drown in a sea of bullshit.