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Everything posted by locodos

  1. No, but let me hit you with something you know, but don't understand. At some point with kid two, you are going to be thinking about how much extra work your doing while your partner is also feeling that they are doing a lot more work too. You're both right. Well guess what? You have twice the kids and that means twice the work for a while. And maybe you already internalized this, but my wife and I, only internalized this in about month 2. Luckily my daughter slept a lot and was generally much easier. I hope your second is too. My best Dad pro tip: Whatever your partner asks you to do, do it happily, and don't bitch even if it was tough or really reallly OU level sucked. Embrace the challenge and take it on with a smile, and perhaps a little shit, on your face. Don't be a blackhole of bitchassedness, everyone knows it's tough and you'll just set a shitty tone for everyone.
  2. More than I believed this guy is a badass desert fighter When do you think the P.A.U.M. nike lows will launch?
  3. You obviously have much more experience in real-estate. But the capital gain is independent from the equity, especially since I assume he's been using these properties like ATMS. The most leveraged properties are probably ones he most recently refinanced to pay for other projects. Cash them out first, so that you cash them ALL out. Then he'd face the maximum tax liability. As in on every New York property. I don't understand your comment about the Property Tax Liability. I assume that property tax only accrues on properties you still hold and are prorated to the sale date. Any sale would reduce his property tax accrual.
  4. My son (20) and his friends went to see Dune 2. He was talking to them afterwards about Feyd and compared Sting's portrayal to the modern one. His friends looked at him and were like..."Who is Sting?" My 2 cents, this remake is beautiful and soulless. It looks great but it's just not as good as the first movie. I'll go yell at some clouds now
  5. I think the play that gives you the most bang for the buck is to start with properties that have little equity... Seize it, sell it, jeez that's $100 off your $450mil tab. Next... If he still owes $5 mil and he's down to his last property, oh well this one has to go too.
  6. Greece had Buddhist monks, before China, Korea, or Japan. Iconographical evolution of the Greek Herakles into the Japanese Shukongoshin.
  7. Today is a good day... Glad he couldn't string it out and hope for a Trump pardon.
  8. It'd be interesting if they killed Bond off more frequently and rolled through a variety of 007s. I could see a hot fit lady as Bond. Or maybe a non white guy.. Simu Liu perhaps?
  9. They had a giraffe running around USF's campus, but it had escaped from Busch Gardens, no word on if you can shoot one, yet. This is peak Florida. Big Cypress National Preserve Leave no trace and whatnot.
  10. Bears are all in and around Orlando / central and western Florida. So not just in the sticks.
  11. Well that's why the FWC will come out and trap them and relocate them for free.
  12. Yes, I know. This Florida law will change that in Florida. BTW Florida black bears have NEVER killed a person. They're basically like chonky Labradors.
  13. Agreed! Case in point : Florida is about to pass Stand Your Ground legislation , but for bears! https://news.wgcu.org/government-politics/2024-01-10/senators-approve-proposal-on-shooting-bears-in-florida
  14. Why? You do know they lost their starting Center in the SECSEC tournament...
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