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Posts posted by locodos

  1. 11 hours ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    Looks great but says only rated to 572F ambient. Seems low for grill/steaks in say a green egg. 

    I agree it could be a limiting factor, but not for me.  Sous vide steaks to a perfect consistent internal temp and then just sear the outside or finish them quickly on a ripping hot grill.  No need to temp steaks at all.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. I honestly can't figure out the OP's position.

    • Do they support freedom of speech?
    • Are they asking for a safe space?
    • Is the market place of ideas bad now?
    • Do they feel like culture war was only created by liberals?

    OP just seems lost in the sauce, and hasn't realized how far away from mainstream they've drifted.  Or perhaps this is a partisan play to moderate and stifle opposition.

    IDK but my experience has been when I run into culture war issues outside of CR, they tend to be sneaky wink wink little remarks, which I just ignore.  Most folks have moderated themselves pretty well or they get moderated quickly, IDK how busy the mods are with all this.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 54 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    Holy shit this has been a brutal couple of weeks for FSU.

    Like my dear old dad always says "If you're going to be stupid, you got to be tough"

    9 hours ago, Valmy77 said:

    The last year before the 12 team playoff? 

    Only because the ACC stopped it from happening this year!   The gift that keeps on giving.

    • Haha 3
  4. 19 hours ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    Thermapen >>>>Meater. 

    BIL trying to cook steaks with his new Meater and thing is pure failure. Connects. Disconnects etc.  Guess he is doing it wrong, but no instructions included so who knows  

    Trusty thermapen works every damn time. Fucking blue tooth. 

    So I've only used this once (I just got it for Christmas) and used it on the xmas Turkey.   Fantastic.     It's one of those "Why didn't I think of this?!"  https://combustion.inc/products/predictive-thermometer-and-display

    tl/dr it has 8 temp sensors in the probe so you can be sure of the core temp ...  Very very accurate as I confirmed with my Thermopen, which will probably just live in the drawer now.


    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. 29 minutes ago, conVINCEd said:

    We had a cop at the door with a breathalyzer.

    That guy had to be questioning his life choices...  Now in S Florida they have a cop with an AR.  The school resource officer at my kids' school was a short woman and the muzzle always looked like it was going to scrape the ground.  True story  

  6. 13 minutes ago, G650 said:

    Fucking A.


    I didn't go to my senior prom because they tried to make is sign a pledge not to drink and fuck essentially. The previous year a few got a little carried away with the pregame drinks lol.

    We just had to sign a pledge not to drink and drive... Your school sounds cray cray...  Religious School?

  7. 15 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

    Isbell is one of the guys that isn't a fan of Gretsch quality control.  I believe he said when you buy one, there's a good chance that it will be an un-tunable, un-playable pile of shit. 

    I have heard plenty of people that love them, from Chet to Randy Bachman.

    Every guitar I've ever picked up


    Whenever I hear Gretsch, I think of this guy...


    • Like 1
  8. 50 minutes ago, HornOnTheBayou said:

    That brings back some memories. I was one of those barely literate aspiring DJs at my high school's radio station (WBRH, 90.3) back in the 90s. We played jazz during the day and college alternative at night. One day I had to read a PSA for a charity that was helping families adopt children. Instead of saying, "If you need help adopting a child, please call XXX-XXXX", I said, "If you need help abducting a child, please call XXX-XXXX". After I put on the next song, my station manager ran into the studio and yelled, "Don't help people kidnap children!"

    Thanks for the book rec. Looks like a nice little Christmas present to myself.

    " A US flagged vessel was attacked yesterday in the Straits Of Hormel... Homecoming tickets go on sale at noon in Cafetorium"

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 15 hours ago, chainsaw said:

    I can't speak for everyone, but Millennials and Gen Z view Gen X as complicit in allowing Boomers to dictate the terms of the economy and post-2000 politics. Is it fair? Thats not for me to say. But ask a Zoomer what they think of Gen Xers.

    1. That's because they are mostly partially functioning morons.  Millennial nostalgia is so cringy and crap, it's literal corporate garbage from one of the most boring times in America's culture.
    2. I ask zoomers for my coffee at the drive through in the morning, I don't really need their takes on anything of even mild importance.   
    3. Billy Joel should apologize for "We didn't start the fire..."  Motherfucker we are watching you pour the Jerry can out with one hand and a blow torch in the other!
    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. On 12/8/2023 at 10:57 PM, Butch Had Not said:

    The josh pate's of the world really fail to watch how Florida loses games. They aren't at a severe talent disadvantage.  They lose because of terrible game mismanagement and Charlie Strong level errors. That's head coaching fuck ups. It's one thing to fail a 4th down but to have two number 3's on the field (or whatever number it as) at the same time is plain bad coaching.

    Well I've watched those losses too.  The coaches don't play Oline/LB.   Those positions are why UF is where it is W/L wise and we ARE at a severe personnel talent disadvantage in those key areas.  I am hopeful that Billy works out, but the Gata did just about what everyone (Vegas) thought they would.   And Yes, it's very disappointing.


  11. 2 minutes ago, RockyMountainHighHorn said:

    Hungary never seems to go with their gut…

    Don't know if it's true, but a friend of mine has a Hungarian fiancé (who has been in the US for 20+ yrs as a student and then researcher).  Her parents are still in Hungry and according to my friend there is no love lost between the Hungarians and Ukrainians.  Border disputes and old timey bad blood.  When the war started he had asked her parents about the conflict and their response was along the lines of "I hope the Russians and Ukrainians kill each other off"  Not what he expected.

  12. Not college, but WKPX was a high school student run radio station.  They would play a wide variety of weird shit and a lot of mainstream stuff too.   The station was/is not a commercial station so they didn't have ads, but they would have student scripted and voice acted PSAs that were laughably terrible (as you might expect).   But the absolute best were the live NEWs updates written by the schools' nerd newspaper staff and read on air by barely literate aspiring High School DJs.

    Other than that, they had an acceptable Sunday morning Blues slot called the "Freight Train of Pain"  Pretty sure those segments were just programed in advance by an actual functioning adult.

    It's now a collab with Nova Southeastern University...  but still pretty damned bad


    or listen 


  13. On 12/12/2023 at 6:35 PM, Anastasis said:

    A short cut coq a riesling whipped up this afternoon to feed the kids before they head out for practice. 

    Chicken thighs. I blend the stock with an immersion blender to work down the onions and some of the shrooms before adding just a bit of cream. Less bitching from the kids if they can't make out the components of the sauce. 





    11 hours ago, Reynolds Woodcock said:

    My man. Made Coq Blanc this past weekend. I pull the chicken right before serving because less bitching from wife.




    Y'all got any recipes you like for this?

  14. 1 minute ago, Deej said:

    Well, I thought if someone told me not to do it then it would be a good time to go buy a lottery ticket. 

    You'll get a better rate of return playing the masculinely confident pink tele than you would playing the lottery.   That's just science!

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
  15. 1 hour ago, Valmy77 said:




    The Gainesville Ripper, You know the serial killer that inspired the movie Scream?  Gruesome murders, staged scenes with parts of the bodies, nightmare fuel.


    "Rolling covered both of the young women’s mouths with duct tape before he bound their hands. He forced one young woman to perform oral sex on him before he raped, stabbed and killed her. He returned to Sonja’s dead body and raped her again. Rolling went so far as to cut off the girl’s nipples and to keep one as a grisly trophy of his actions.

    The next day, Rolling killed Christa Hoyt in much the same fashion. He broke into her residence and after he raped her, he removed her nipples and placed them beside her. Rolling cut off her head and sat her upright on the edge of her bed. The Gainesville Ripper put her head on a bookshelf.

    By now, news of the murders had spread across the University. Authorities put out as much information as they could to try to catch the suspect, and students slept in groups and took every precaution they could think of. Despite this, the Gainesville Ripper killed one more time.

    On Aug. 27, Rolling attacked Tracey Paules and Manuel Taboada, both 23. He killed Tobada while he slept. Then he killed Tracey. Authorities feel Rolling did not manage to mutilate these bodies because he may have been in danger of getting caught, or was otherwise interrupted.

    These murders all occurred less than 2 miles from each other around the University of Florida."

    I wasn't at the game (in Knoxville), but I heard this directly from multiple different friends.  A lot of talk about it around campus too

    anyways, if you thought things are all chummy in the SEC, think again. There is some truth to the "it just means more" but not in a Disney/espn type of way.


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