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Posts posted by locodos

  1. 51 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    And also experience deep self-loathing arising from their inner desire/compulsion to suck about a mile of dick.

    That's over 21K+ Shaggy dicks..  so almost as many as (insert surly poster handle here)'s mom!

    13 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    For good pussy?

    I think we all know the answer to this.

    wait?  Is there bad pussy? 

    no pics please

  2. 31 minutes ago, PvilleStang said:

    I don't mind that, but dropping off 50+ kids to fuck around in your neighborhood is not in the same league.  I'm all for the smaller 3-5 person groupings that sneak around and egg / toilet paper people's stuff, but just a mob of loud entitled shitheads is completely different.  Guess TP is still too expensive to be deployed in a proper manner.

    The amount of kids we get in my neighborhood is wildly variable.  Pre-covid we would regularly have 200-350 kids.  The streets were packed with kids running wild and the excitement you would see on their faces was amazing. 

    Groups of parents pulling wagons with coolers or the occasional tired worn-out youngsters  

    Young moms dressed in their party costume toting a Tervis filled with rocket fuel & bad ideas

    Dad's with overly elaborate costumes to supplement their child's

    Little little kids on their first halloween with wide eyes and can barely grasp a snack sized Snickers (they don't know what the fuck is going on)

    The too old to Trick or Treat teens maybe looking for free candy, but also maybe starting to miss the uncomplicated joy of youth.

     All the neighbors still decorate robustly, but this year I got about 15...  that's it.   Both my "kids" are off to college this Halloween, and frankly a bus load of 50+ kids would have been a welcome addition to a slow and kind of sad night.


    (got egged one year, but it was just the house and hosed right off.)



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  3. 1 hour ago, PvilleStang said:

    Freaking Halloween night.  Our street is probably the most popular street to Trick or Treat on, so people drive from outside the neighborhood, park nearby and do their thing.  Well, I'm fine with most of it, but sometime around 7:45 or 8, a freaking party bus drops off 50+ 14-18 year olds at our neighbors' house, and right about 8:15 or so, it's like they waved the green flag, and they all come running out of the culdesac at the end of the road, and going crazy.  (We have 2 kids that are just going to bed at this point, and I'm in the front yard a few beers deep and tending to the fire.)  Luckily no one rang the doorbell thanks to me sitting out front, but they were loud enough to keep the kids up another hour or two. 

    Long story short, F the the parents who threw a party for half the dang school on a street full of families with young kids.

    I bet the clouds in your neighborhood get a really good dressing down from time to time.

    Halloween should be a time for youth mischievousness.  /noDetroit

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  4. 18 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Pos rep, but I think debasing yourself to the level where you morally justify enslaving other people and treating them as less than fully human is the key to what makes the South the South.

    I hadn't thought of Reconstruction in decades. I wonder if we'd just have largely the same South with a better economy. 

    Great watch on Reconstruction and how it reverberates today...

    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. 4 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    The South is the way it is because it's full of Southerners.  Jackson and Buchanan just fanned their flames of ignorance and gave them stuff with which to blow shit up.  

    You know when you watch documentaries about African Warlords giving AK-47's and RPG's to 12 year old boys.  And you shake your Christian head thinking, "Those poor souls never had a chance.  Shame on those men they trusted.  Thank the Lord that could never happen here."  That's who Trump is.  Giving validation to marginalized people.  Telling them their hate and displacement is normal but must be directed at others now...and then shows them the way to war...

    Buddy if you think the rednecks haven't been restless til Trump, I've got some bad news for you.  He just gave them cover to publicly express hatred that's been passed down for generations, and he was successful because some assholes figured out how to monetize it.

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  6. 1 minute ago, RomaVicta said:

    Pos rep, but I think debasing yourself to the level where you morally justify enslaving other people and treating them as less than fully human is the key to what makes the South the South.

    I hadn't thought of Reconstruction in decades. I wonder if we'd just have largely the same South with a better economy. 

    Radically different.   It will piss you off, but look into it.  Really really frustrating and we are living with the big lie to this very day.  Thanks banned books!

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    A. Johnson came after the insurrection. He didn't foment one. Advantage A.J.

    He also tanked reconstruction and you might argue that he's one of the principle reasons the us South is the way it is.  Fuck that guy both of them.  

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  8. 16 hours ago, mdmost said:



    How did I forget about this one...  so good



    "Bela Lugosi's Dead" was recorded "live in the studio" in a single take during a six-hour session at Beck Studios in Wellingborough on 26 January 1979. It was the first thing they recorded together, six weeks after the band had formed


    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, KYHorn said:

    We obviously already know this, but it's interesting research.

     Japanese researchers have claimed two "Putin doubles"


    Japanese experts in facial recognition and voice identification have concluded that the theory of Vladimir Putin's doubles, who replace him at public events, is gaining popularity. This information was published by the British tabloid The Sun.


    By analyzing Putin's various speeches with the use of modern artificial intelligence technology, Japanese experts have concluded that the Russian president probably has at least two doubles.


    One of the doubles was identified as the "real" Putin, who attended the Red Square parade in May 2023. After comparing the facial features of this Putin with the one who drove across the Crimean Bridge in a Mercedes car in December 2022, the Japanese experts found only 53% similarity.


    An even smaller resemblance, just 40%, was found between the "parade Putin" and the president who visited Mariupol in March 2023. Videos on state television showed this Putin driving through the ruined city, touring the construction site of an apartment complex, talking to residents, and visiting what was said to be a three-room apartment while giving instructions to Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin.


    The similarity between Putin's facial features in Mariupol and Putin on the Crimean Bridge was only 18%, according to Japanese researchers. Their artificial intelligence-based analysis "clearly indicates" the likelihood of at least two Putin doubles.

    any word from the AI if they are all assholes?

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Dnaguy said:


    It's harder to win when your defense no longer has the other teams' signs and can anticipate what play is about to be run.

    or when you're not one of the only teams paying players.


    Enjoy the Clempsoning

  11. 2 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

    Who's going to examine Don for the state?   I hope it's a minority woman.  That will drive him nuts. 

    Are drug dogs allowed to be in the court room?  Asking for a twitchy friend I want to say person?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. Just now, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

    until we can figure out what the hell is going on

    forever is a long time dude


    Listen my point is to use US (and hopefully her allies)  soft power to foment change in Russia/Russian policy.  The fat cats have left the hard life in Russia to the poor and are living large in the US, Europe, Asia free from care that they have horrible neo colonial policies.  Freeze their assets, send them back and you will have a monied, educated, and westernized group that is pissed off.  Let them work for change if they don't want to be treated as a pariah.  Why should we spend US blood and treasure keeping Russian aggression in check, whilst rolling out the red carpet for their citizens to enjoy.

    Or maybe I'm reading that all wrong and these are Putin's boys who live a life of luxury abroad due to Russia's autocratic/ criminal economic practices.  In which case, seems like a good move booting them out.

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