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Posts posted by locodos

  1. 16 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    So I used to work with a Russian lady.  I have no clue if she is here working on a visa, is a resident alien, or is now a citizen.  Let’s say for this case she’s not a citizen. Her husband is Ukrainian, they have a small child, and are hosting the husband’s parents who fled ukraine at the start of the war.  She needs to be deported?  

    or does “foreign nationals” carry a specificity that I’m unfamiliar?

    of course it does...  in the context of my post it means russian assholes

    If you want me to create a response to an act of war that is universally fair and considers every possible hypothetical and magically discerns the wicked from the fair...  you might not have been paying close attention to this branch of the simulation code.

    So, if you are a Russian foreign national, your legal status to remain in the country has been revoked, by actions of your country!  Is it fair, IDK was the hypothetical attack on the US fair?

    Heck I thought they should be rounded up and deported to the nearest country to the US that would welcome them in.  You know, Toussaint Louverture International.   

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Depends on who is POTUS when that happens.  And you know I'm not exaggerating, no CR.

    What would be APPROPRIATE?  A measured response by NATO.  If there's a Russian air attack on a base in Lithuania, for example, NATO should strike the base from which the attack was launched.

    1. Deport all Russian foreign nationals
    2. Seize assets of those Russian foreign nationals in US
    3. Revoke all Russian student visas
    4. Go scorched earth on sanctions.  Us corps trading with Russia tried and if found guilty are dissolved.  Managers of those corps charged to the fullest extent of the law. Foreign corps who trade with Russia face asset seizure and ability to operate in the US.  Officers (and their family members) of those corporations are fully excluded from travel to US.
    5. Extend sanctions to other countries dealing with Russia
    6. Embargo Russia's oil/CNG
    7. Military strikes of proportionate size


    • Hook 'Em 7
  3. 2 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    If they think that it's going to net hurt their ratings long term, I'd assume no. If Trump is a liar do these people deflate and stop watching news?

    na...  They'll just boot up teaparty 2.0  They'll use some name from the Revolution to make it sound cool, edgy, and exclusively for white dudes.

    I'm gonna recommend the LibertyBellends

    • Haha 2
  4. 2 hours ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    Man Game of Thrones was so great to experience in real time.

    It also ignited the great Shaggy/Surly faction war: Bookfags vs. Illiterati

    (Illiteratti 4eva!!)

    ha forgot about that. #illiterattilife

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  5. 19 minutes ago, Texzilla58 said:

    We know folks like you. Sugar in the bbq sauce kind of folks. Even the French don’t eat a fucking hamburger with fucking brioche. No one knew what brioche was a couple years ago. Now WalMart has a all kinds of brioche shit. Brioche flavored shave cream next to the pumpkin spice.

    1. I bet your bbq sauce (without sugar) sucks
    2. The French eat burgers with a knife and fork so maybe leave them out of the bun conversation
    3. What?
    4. Dove bar soap > any shaving cream
  6. 6 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    I have not touched a gun since we shot .22s at summer camp in probably 1989. Zero desire to. Ban them all tomorrow, I don't care. 

    Make sure you vote

    • Like 1
  7. Scott Pilgram deserves an honorable mention

    Main characters
    League of Evil Exes
    Other characters
  8. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

    You take that logic and shove it up your ass with a .223 round traveling at 3200 fps!  What part of "shall not be infringed [but, you know, only the currently popular brand of murder dildos, not missiles or somesuch]" don't you understand!

    .223 is only around 3,000 fps....

    YoU DOn'T kNow WHat yOU'rE TalKinG AbOUT! 

    We can't discuss it now, it's too soon.  We also can't discuss it later!

    • Hook 'Em 1
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  9. 18 minutes ago, Not a cat said:

    Hell, just change out who's the live caller for certain drives.  I admit I'm getting us off track, and I'm in no way condoning what they did, just pointing out what I would try if I were an opponent with this info 

    Or perhaps because they have so much film / data they've cracked the alternate versions of the play calls.  Other teams would have to have a unique un-used signal pattern AND knowledge that they needed to use the special calls.   Other teams had no idea that Michigan's cheating was so rampant and sustained over the course of the season.

  10. 7 minutes ago, troph said:

    I can’t deal with this. Ugghhh.  I’m at the point now that I believe we are only unique in our ability to turbo fuck the planet and that all species have an equal right to co-exist and we simply ignore that. We conflate our apex level power and intelligence for having lone sentience and even a minimal level of consciousness. I believe that to be simply untrue. Fuck all of us. 

    Counter point: Fuck mosquitos

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