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Posts posted by locodos

  1. 3 minutes ago, Juicy said:

    I guess its a good thing they have the rest of the season to see which it was.... if Michigan implodes I will take my lumps. If they pound Pedo and Ohio state on the way to the playoffs again, I think it will be pretty clear that they actually may be talented. 

    I think at this point everyone already knows what they are.  Because it's totally on every remaining team to change all of their signaling mid season to protect the last shreds of Michigan dignity.


    Maybe mid season Michigan should change it's coaching staff instead.

  2. This admission will get me kicked off the Music forum...



    In high school I used to give a group of kids a ride to school in the AM.  One of them was a drummer and a music freak who aspired to be a Radio Station DJ or in a rock band.  He always leaned into heavier rock and introduced me to all kinds of stuff.  One day I'm over at his house and notice a picture of a hip lookin' 70's black dude with a big ole fro.  Strange, he was more into metal / punk / classic rock.   So I asked him "hey, what's with the poster?"  He just looked at me with a incredulous smirk.   Finally he get's that I'm serious...   "you don't know that's Jimi Hendrix?"   OOOOOOOOOooooooh! Oh 


    tl/dr I'm an idiot. 

    But I know this Stevie was heavily influenced by Jimi ...  so Jimi > Stevie 

  3. 1 minute ago, Francisco 2.0 said:


    Tickets between the 45-50, higher up in the stands with a clear view...and sometimes, tickets on both sides of the field (hell, last Saturday's game at Ohio State-Penn State he purchased tickets).

    On the open market, how much would those tickets have cost between two top 5 teams?


    Did he fly to some games or just drive there and back?  It starts to add up and 55k to live off of doesn't leave a lot of discretionary income.  Maybe they find out a booster was doing more than reimbursing...maybe some suplimental income...  oh hello intuitional control!

  4. 5 minutes ago, G650 said:

    I saw them about 20 years ago. Strong

    I don't even really like their music, but oh man do they put on a show.  I can't imagine tripping balls and seeing them.  It could be epic or scar you for life.







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  5. 22 minutes ago, G650 said:

    My man. Related,  I recommend acid for Space Mountain at Disney World.


    26 minutes ago, AnotherUTFan said:

    They completely blew my mind, and the mushrooms we ate beforehand didn't hurt!

    You guys should check out a Flaming Lips show...  

  6. 5 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Declan is such a good dude.

    That's refreshing to hear.  I only got turned onto Elvis C because I bought a used car from a guy and he had left one of his CDs  in the stereo.  So I listened to it on the 45min drive home (screw local FM) and decided to leave it in for a while... not my fav, but fits certain moods. Probably still have the disc in a drawer somewhere.

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, ajax said:

    Wait, so White had a beef with the Black Keys because he thought they were ripping off his sound?

    Wouldn't Jon Spencer have a right to claim a similar beef with Jack White?


    I couldn't figure it out, they don't sound the same, but you know 1 guitar and 1 drummer is their exclusive domain evidently.  If only I had known in '88 that House of Pain (no not THAT House of Pain, the alt one) was ripping off the future White Strips, I wouldn't have enjoyed their show so much.

    I think it's like the "pilgrams" discovering America type of deal.

  8. 30 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    I think this is actually what he wants at this point.  Spend a night in a cell and get his base all riled up.  He paints himself as a victim and the right froths.

    Counter point...  he goes to jail and the same loud 1% just make noise and nothing happens.  Either way it's the jail that suffers.

  9. 1 minute ago, C-Man said:


    100% agree being gay has nothing to do with molesting children in a general sense. However, at the risk of digging a deeper hole for myself, I think a lot of the dynamics that went into the Catholic priest scandal(s) was a direct result of an extremely closeted gay man entering the all-male priesthood and young boys in the church, be they altar boys or just church youth, were abundant, easy prey for these monsters. Of course not every gay man who became a priest did these things -- I just think it was likely a component of what happened. (And, sadly, the Catholic church does not have a monopoly on sexual abuse of children. There are people who are simply so warped in the head they do this abominable shit to kids.)


    Girls in large numbers were also abused by catholic priests.  The boys get all the press because a priest raping a boy is more sensational than raping a girl, but that's a whole nother thread 

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