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Everything posted by locodos

  1. Do you have to do all the work on it yourself?
  2. IDK, the jokes usually go right over their head? No shit, You don't mess with a guy that can break both your ankles and then dunk on you.
  3. No, but if it helps I can send you a birthday card written in impeccable cursive with a quarter in it.
  4. Count me as pissed off that these death threats (against anyone) aren't tracked down and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Put em in a DC jail so that they can wait their turn for a trial after the traitors.
  5. I saw one I almost posted. Dude got hit in the chest so hard his head popped off like a tank turret. It wasn't a close up shot but just the idea of it was pretty horrific, but in a dark dark shaggy way. I don't want anyone to die or be in pain, and I mean that, anyone. But if there have to be deaths and pain, let it be on the folks responsible. (not sure Russian meat squads are those folks deserving of the grim death) but it is what it is. Did not post it. The ones that seem to bother me the most are the drone drops on soldiers alone and already wounded in a ditch looking up at the little machine that will end them. They looks so small, alone, and scared, you see the grenade drop, explode, and you see them writhe in pain then lie still. Senseless death. Fuck Putin Filled with blow?
  6. hon hon hon je l'ai réparé pour toi
  7. I have something like this in the garage also DIY options easy enough to run a cable through the bails of the reels. I'd just put up a motion sensing camera or just not worry about it.
  8. Beamer breaks his own foot “I broke my foot on Saturday, so I’d rather just get it out there and say it and not have you all speculating and then after the game on Saturday in Missouri you ask,” Beamer said with a smile. “I called [athletic director Ray Tanner], told him, made sure he was OK with it and he died laughing when I told him so obviously there’s not a lot of empathy from him.” “It was after the game and certainly that was a gut-wrenching, emotional loss and I was frustrated and kicked something I shouldn’t have kicked and thought I was OK but the adrenaline from the game wore off and before anyone starts the narrative like, ‘the head football coach is frustrated and lost his poise and all that.’ No, I care. And I care about these kids and I was really upset on Saturday night because I didn’t do enough to help them get over the hump and win the football game. Don’t think I have to have surgery but there is a broken bone in my foot, it hurts like you-know-what but I’ve got to show toughness and fight through it. Been one of those years.”
  9. this move is not to minimize bots, it's to monetize bots... think of it as a bot medallion.
  10. Yeah, but you know, the whole government shutdown/default thing is going to be a massive bummer.
  11. If I ever need a camping sex swing, I'll check them out.
  12. Would anyone notice? Meg's ex husband who kept her name after the divorce.
  13. It's gonna suck, but I think we win at least one more. I think the bad news if you're hoping to poach recruits is that Florida is playing freshman everywhere. While the W/Ls won't be awesome, Billy has proven he puts the best players out and PT is available... along with the $$$
  14. I had no idea that Scotland had its own version of the Pound. I used an atm in the Hebrides and when I pulled the cash from the machine I thought that I had purchased some tourist bucks or the like. Stepped back to make sure I was at a bank, yup. Weird. Good idea, but I have rarely have more than $20 in foreign currency at the end of a trip, but If I ever have more I'm using your tip. Love the weird coins, odd colored and sized bills. When I get back to the house I unpack and place all the loose change and bills in a pile on a shelf. If I'm going to a country I've been to before, I dig through the pile before I leave and have some local currency when I land. It's kinda fun digging through the pile and remembering past trips and thinking about when you'll go next. Hell you already have some cash laying around, can't let that go to waste. Turkish Lyra, Greek Drachmae ... RIP
  15. I'll tell you this much, if you're dealing with aussies and they say "no rules, mate!" It's not a catchy Outback jingle, that mean watch your six, because they are about to try to fuck you over with a stupid little smile on their faces.
  16. Fair enough, I've stopped caring about what anyone thinks about what I like and I also return the favor. I enjoy Black Keys a lot. Whether or not they are technically proficient doesn't matter to me as long as it sounds good. If they are the new Nickelback, so be it. I was surprised to see @G650 reference that it's well know that they ripped off Jack White, I think their music sounds nothing alike. Maybe it was egregious, I don't know shit about music theory, structure, etc. But it you played a White Strips/ Raconteurs/ Dead Weather song or a Black Keys song I could easily discern the difference. White has some bangers, but if I could only ever hear one or the other again, I would choose Black keys every time.
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