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Posts posted by locodos

  1. 45 minutes ago, Steel Shank said:

    Repurposed hoagie roll.

    Did I just stumble into the food war crimes thread?

    3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Hoagie?  Why don't you just call it a grinder, you yankee bastard?!?!

    I'll be damned, grinder is a new england term!   Grew up eating Zero's (in the south)

    • Haha 1
  2. another one..

    Jan. 6 rioter who smashed Capitol window with tomahawk ax sentenced to 7 years

    Ryan J. Reilly
    Sat, October 7, 2023 at 6:43 PM EDT·3 min read

    WASHINGTON — A Donald Trump supporter who smashed a window at the Capitol with a tomahawk ax and threw projectiles at officers during the most brutal battle of the Capitol riot was sentenced to seven years in federal prison Friday.

    Shane Jenkins — who refers to himself as "Skullet" because of his shaved head and mullet — was found guilty of nine criminal counts in March, including felony civil disorder; obstruction of an official proceeding; assaulting, resisting or impeding an officer using a dangerous weapon; and destruction of government property.

    The federal government had requested more than 19 years in federal prison, which would have been one of the longest sentences given in any Jan. 6 case. The longest sentence so far has gone to Enrique Tarrio, the former head of the Proud Boys, who was sentenced to 22 years in federal prison last month after he was convicted of seditious conspiracy in May.

    Jenkins' attorney called the riot on Jan. 6, 2021, "one of the saddest episodes in American history" and said there "remain many grifters out there who remain free to continue propagating the 'great lie' that Trump won the election, Donald Trump being among the most prominent."

    The government called Jenkins' conduct "egregious" and said he "planned for violent insurrection long before his arrival" in Washington.

    His "lack of remorse is extraordinary," and he "thinks that political violence is acceptable," Assistant U.S. Attorney David Perri argued at the sentencing hearing Friday.

    January 6 rioter (U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia)

    "What happens if his preferred candidate gets convicted of something?" Perri asked, referring to the four criminal cases against former President Donald Trump, including one unfolding in the federal courthouse in Washington where Jenkins was sentenced. "How would he react?"

    Perri encouraged the judge not to "roll the dice with this country's democratic future."

    Attorney Dennis Boyle said at the hearing that Trump promoted "a legal fiction" that Vice President Mike Pence could overturn the election results and that people like Jenkins were "particularly susceptible" to his lies and propaganda.

    Before his sentencing, Jenkins talked about his troubled childhood and said his life began to come apart when he learned he was adopted. He said he tried to destroy himself with drugs and alcohol after he killed his stepfather in a gunfight when he was 20 years old. (Jenkins said he shot his stepfather in self-defense, and he was not charged.)

    The Justice Department also said Jenkins took part in a jail attack on Jan. 6 defendant Taylor Taranto — who was arrested outside former President Barack Obama's home — on July 10, when a dozen inmates allegedly entered the television room of their pod and assaulted Taranto "because Taranto had been saying derogatory things about Ashli Babitt and her mother." Babbitt, whose last name the Justice Department misspelled in its filing, was shot and killed by a police officer at the Capitol riot.

    Taranto was ordered held in pretrial detention.

    In the 33 months since the Capitol attack, more than 1,100 participants have been arrested, and about 660 have been sentenced, including nearly 400 who have received sentences of incarceration.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Idiocracy indeed!


    Feds seek 8 years for 'Bullhorn Lady' who smashed a Capitol window during Jan. 6 attack

    Ryan J. Reilly
    Thu, October 12, 2023 at 2:47 PM EDT·4 min read
    WASHINGTON — Federal prosecutors are seeking eight years in federal prison for a Pennsylvania mother of eight who conducted "surveillance" on a lawmaker's home a few weeks before she smashed a window with an ice ax and a giant cardboard tube during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

    Rachel Powell, who was 40 when she took part in the 2021 attack, was found guilty in July of nine charges, including felony counts of interfering with officers performing their duties and obstruction of an official proceeding. A sentencing hearing for Powell, now a grandmother of six, is set for Oct. 17.

    Powell was identified by online “Sedition Hunters,” was named and interviewed for a piece in The New Yorker that ran a few weeks after Jan. 6, and was arrested in early February 2021. She has been on home confinement since September 2022 after violating her prior conditions of pretrial release, including by visiting a brewery with her 71-year-old employer/boyfriend.

    Rachel Powell.  (via FBI)

    After Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, prosecutors said, Powell developed an "obsession with keeping former President Trump in power," and talked about how she had "conducted surveillance at a female legislator’s home." Powell joined "caravan" protests in Washington in November 2020, where she said she walked around "with a little beater bar all weekend and wasp spray and knives in my bag."

    On Jan. 6, before she smashed the Capitol window, prosecutors said, Powell was on the front lines as the mob overwhelmed police.

    “Come on up, people, don’t be shy!” she yelled in one video, as she pushed against police barricades with her body. Powell, prosecutors wrote in a sentencing memo, had shown an "utter lack of remorse" for her conduct, which she bragged about online.

    “IT WAS F--KING WAR TO GET IN. IF YOU WERE NOT HERE THEN STFU," Powell wrote the day after the attack. She said rioters "weren't f--king welcomed in" and that there was “lots of security" that "had to retreat into the building and fight back because patriots were relentless.”

    Police, she said, "didn’t open the gates. The people trampled them. It was war.”

    Since the Capitol attack, Powell has changed her tune, prosecutors noted, writing that she "has tried to portray herself as a victim and tried to shift the narrative from 'war' to 'police brutality.'"

    But video of her actions Jan. 6, prosecutors said, left little doubt about her intentions, even if Powell now claimed — as she did in one recent interview — that she only broke the window "so that people had somewhere to go.”

    A key video that went viral after the attack showed Powell using a bullhorn to organize rioters to "take the building," advising them on the layout of the suite of offices they'd entered as others plotted how to advance further into the Capitol.

    Rachel Powell at the United States Capitol on Jan 6, 2021. (U.S. District Court)

    "People should probably coordinate together if you're going to take the building," Powell declared, in the tone of a flustered school trip chaperone trying to corral a group of teens. Powell, her attorney claimed in a defense sentencing memo, is "remorseful for her outrageous conduct that day." Powell was "susceptible to manipulation," Nicholas D. Smith wrote, because of a brutally harsh upbringing that "was like something from Oliver Twist." Her impoverished parents "routinely engaged in violent altercations in front of the small child," Powell's mom was an alcoholic and drug addict and Powell was sexually abused beginning at age 12, he wrote. Powell has been diagnosed with "posttraumatic stress disorder; paranoid, schizoid and negativistic personality traits; and major depressive disorder," he added.

    Just before the verdict was returned in her case, Powell's partner/employer Joseph Jenkins, Jr., brought three of her children to a fundraiser for Jan. 6 defendants at Trump’s property in New Jersey, where the former president posed for photos, signed a copy of his book and gave one of her children a “Make America Great Again” hat, which he wore to court for his mother’s verdict.

    “Trump said he’ll be pardoning as soon as he’s in,” Powell wrote in a post on X.

    Jenkins, in a letter of support, maintained his belief that the 2020 election was stolen, pointing the judge to the conspiracy film "2000 Mules."

    "According to most Trump voters, the election results in Pennsylvania, where Rachel lives, appeared to be fraudulent. Trump had, and still has, huge support in our state," he wrote. "Books have been written, documentaries aired, lawsuits filed, and investigations remain pending."

    Several of Powell's supporters also downplayed her conduct in letters to the court.

    "If there were ever a person I know who would be brave enough to help bring order during chaos," one supporter wrote, "it would be Rachel."

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 4
  4. 19 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Can't tell from the photo -- any chance that pickguard is "mint"?

    That's what I thought looking at the photos...  it's a 2021 so maybe that was the default color combo that year.  IDK.


  5. 12 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    Well, I know someone that essentially became single issue pro life after twins arrived prematurely, weren't viable, and died in their arms, and it just changed perspective on that issue above everything.  Getting way off topic but it's nice to try to remind ourselves everyone has different backgrounds and experiences that shape their beliefs/opinions. I fail at that constantly as well because I'm pretty sure I'm right about everything.

    First of all I wish them peace.  ( I sincerely mean that)

    A very good friend of mine had a similar experience, devastating, it's been over 15yrs and they still are brutally scared.   I wish your friends were more thoughtful though, current attacks on women's rights are FORCING girls/women to have that same VERY traumatizing experience because they can't get care.  Fetus is non viable?, carry it to term and have it die in your arms or until you miscarry...  doesn't matter to us if you might die, we're pro-life!

    Like you said, we all have our life experiences, I just have a hard time thinking that rational adult complex humans can only hold one thought in their mind to the exclusion of all others.  I think it takes willful denial.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 21 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    This.  There are no real "single issue" voters.  They'll tell you that they are but when you get past that single issue, they seem to fall in line with everyone else.  Find me a single issue pro life voter who favors rational gun control.

    How about anti-abortion but for medical care for trans kids... (The ones who commit suicide >80% of the time with out care)  Soooo pro life bro!


    These posters seem to really know some basic bitches.  Only care/think/vote for one thing only!  I need to get out more.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Skipper said:

    I know a couple personally.  They won't vote Trump in primary, and will talk shit about him, but probably still vote for him if push came to shove because he will stack the court accordingly.  S.C. nominations are all they care about.   Because, that's literally the definition of a single issue voter. Maybe they abstain this time, who knows, but those people exist.


    But if your "single issue" friend votes for Trump because of their religious extremism, they are part of Trump's coalition.  They don't get to have it both ways.  Also if they are so heavily anti abortion, I wonder what their thoughts are on other social issues?   I bet they dove tail nicely with the GOP's thoughts and ideas.  If they are voting for MAGA nominated court appointees, then they are voting for a WHOLE RAFT of Maga policies.

    They are like the "undecided" voters, they don't need more info, they just don't want to admit it.

    • Hook 'Em 7
  8. 39 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Yes, the statues brought me here.  Fuck, they're glorious.  Anyone know where these ended up?  We should use the wreath fund...

    IIRC they were destroyed.  Some posters had been angling to get them for shag tailgates.  

    On 10/9/2023 at 10:03 AM, 66BUFF said:

    The realignment thread on the Shag?  That thread and the MS Paint of sexual mishaps / adventures brought me over and kept me around this wretched hive of scum and villainy. 

    Loco may or may not have been a poster on that MS paint thread... If so, it was all deleted in the great threefiddy migration


    1 hour ago, Kyrie Eleison said:

    i don't know if you mean me, but there's a few Tigers on here and most of us are here because we like the social vibe much better than our own boards.  which segues into this: SEC posters for the most part are fucking morons, my tribe included.  the vast majority who show up will yell inane bullshit then leave pretty quickly, never to come back; but the ones who stay will be for the most decent folks most likely...primarily because there's no where else to go on the more popular SEC boards that aren't infected with bullshit.

    This ^   


    What ever happened to the Negrepchamp?   I laughed my ass off with people trying for the kill shot on him.  Like a caged court jester you could poke with a stick

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  9. 34 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    You can’t be a modern day Republican without absolute fealty to Israel. It’s the only ally that matters to the GOP. They can’t pass an aid package without a Speaker. 

    The speaker drama is taking away from their ability to grandstand on the House floor about how Biden hates Israel anbd cares more about Ukrainian Nazis and the the Democratic Party are all anti-Semitic.

    The real war they crave (religious war against Muslims) is brewing and they need focusness, to quote Bill


  10. 1 minute ago, LCHorn said:

    I was thinking about that question at 2 in the morning when I was posting and trying to think of outside of the box solutions.  One idea was to invite the Israelis to immigrate to the US.  Not all of them will come but it's a way out for some from the cycle of violence. 

    Non starter...  GQP support for Israel exists only to ensure the Jews are returned to the Holy Land so that we can have the End Times.   You have to remember the GQP base were the ones cos-playing Nazis in Charlottesville chanting "We will not be replaced".    

    Nevermind the fact that Israelis have fought for a homeland and they aren't likely to settle for UP Michigan or the like.

  11. 7 hours ago, NWBuck said:

    Hey... has anyone considered the longstanding American tradition of thoughts AND prayers?

    That's like putting unleaded in your diesel.  Kinda the same but not compatible

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