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Posts posted by locodos

  1. A few scattered thoughts from a pleb...

    • The tweet about special forces is awesome, if there is one thing I know about clandestine military groups, it's that they definitely need more help with their social media presence
    • The outrage machine has been turned on and turned up
    • Fuck the Russians, Fuck Hamas, Fuck Iran...  list too long
    • What has Hamas done to Israel that Russia hasn't done to Ukraine?
    • So why is the outrage machine only now going full blast?  Russia can fight back, maybe?  And maybe this a way they are fighting back.
    • Russia is the big winner here, arms, money, and attention is off the old non sexy war for towns with no vowels...  There's a new hotness that needs ALL the weapons and every politician will line up to send them.


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  2. 20 minutes ago, DaysOff said:

    Do we have confirmation that Americans were dragged into Gaza as hostages? Because that changes the equation and isn't going to end well for anyone.

    Why?  are the Uvalde police finally saddled up and set to go in?

    Americans or not, I'm not sure anything would change as it relates to US / Hamas "relations" and it's not like the US can be anymore in the bag for Israel than we already are. So what changes?  Hell we get kids slaughtered here on the regular and nothing changes.

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, G650 said:

    There's more than a touch of anti Semitism involved with the actual founding of Israel.


    But, if you will it, it is no dream.

    Something something revelations something something

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  4. 13 hours ago, Okie State said:

    Taught my 10 year old daughter how to change the oil in the car today. I'd wager 99% of the men I work with don't know how.

    I did my last brake job last year.  I taught each kid how to do it on their own car.  Not that I ever expect them to change their brakes, I just wanted them to know the work involved and how badly they'll be screwed it they go to a mechanic without a clue about what they need done.  I had them call a few places to get quotes on 4 wheel pads and rotors.  Easy $1000+ with a teenager calling.   Then ordered the parts <$300 and put them on in a few hours.

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  5. 16 hours ago, Slacks said:

    Toyota is most reliable and most expensive. 


    And best resale.  If you're looking for an older Tundra, be sure to check:

    • the frame, rust belt trucks have real issues.
    • Valve tap on start up..  4.7L 
    • Front tires scrubbing (no way to avoid, just factor it in negotiation)
    • Fuel mileage is abysmal

    Toyotas are also boring in the best possible ways


    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Goofyboy said:

    I have a 2017 Tundra TRD Pro. 80k miles and only had to replace battery and I think the brakes. The infotainment system is trash, but the navigation is decent. Other than the infotainment, I love the truck. Oh, no center seats on the TRD Pro. I think the platinum trim has that.

    Does the 2017 have the front tire scrubbing problem?   Asking for my 2013 Crewmax

  7. Was driving yesterday and was listening to the Gata game on WRUF.  I actually heard an attack ad on Gaetz from an outfit that claimed he was voting with Democrats to screw over conservatives and raise their taxes.  And other wild weird accusations!

    It was either a brilliant piece by a liberal org or the circular firing squad has begun.  I was so bemused that I missed the name, it was something something citizens for tax reform.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 4
  8. 22 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

    This reminds me of a run in I had with a dude this week. He's coming to get a loan and just bullshitting around as normally occurs in that situation and states "us country Southern boys are just friendlier" as they've said for generations.

    In the next sentence he breaks out the "I'm not going to try and Jew him or anything". The best part is if I had brought that slur to his attention he wouldn't have seen any way the two sentences worked against each other.

    Your post hurts.  Been there 1000's of times.  In a calm demeanor, I call them out now.  Every time, I'm done. (insert German dinner party nazi saying)  The South could be one of the most incredible places in the world.  Anger, ignorance, and fear are holding back would could be incredible.  But in this instance of the simulation we are getting billboards, truck stops, stripmall churches, bail bonds, and check cashing stores.

    Recently was in the UK, Folks there can pick out the slight southern affect in my voice.  On two separate occasions people mentioned that they always wanted to visit the south but that they don't think its safe.   I suppose statistically they are correct, but I do think on average they would be blown away by southern hospitality.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Drool 2
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  9. Scotland is great, make sure you have good great rain gear.  I have a Northface jacket I use for skiing, it's supposed to be their brand of Goretex, but under heavy rain and wind, it wetted out in about 4hrs.  Goretex only, and test it all before you go.

    I know this thread is probably just as much about camping as hiking, but for Scotland I'd home base at a BNB and day hike it.  Then have a wee dram by a peat fire after hot shower and a warm meal.  The highlands are isolated enough, if you pick something off the beaten path, first of all there won't be a path, and if there is, you won't run into anyone else...

    This was a beautiful day, but the apocalypse is coming up the sound just on the other side of the Ben HiantIMG_2059-Copy.thumb.jpg.5fb1ccfaddd52a2c530990d060bc5da7.jpg


    The Black Cullins of Skye



    Best resource I've found for Scotland 


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  10. 4 hours ago, Gatorubet said:


    “ I’m not sure if you carry a phone, but by any chance, would you have even one dollar??”

    Is it just me or does this look like Trump just farted and has jesus rethinking his life choices

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. The Greeks are pretty open about the fact that they garnered a lot of knowledge from the Persians (old empire).  Including using workers from all over the middle east to help build their wonders.   They had the cash and outsourced a lot of the expertise.  There are blocks found in athens that standardize measurements used by foreign workers building the Parthenon.


  12. 3 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Can it? it says names to the clerk of MEMBERS

          The Office of Speaker may be declared vacant by resolution, which 
      may be offered as a matter of privilege. Manual Sec. 315; 6 Cannon 
      Sec. 35. Under rule I clause 8(b)(3), adopted in the 108th Congress, 
      the Speaker is required to deliver to the Clerk a list of Members in 
      the order in which each shall act as Speaker pro tempore in the case 
      of a vacancy in the Office of Speaker. The Member acting as Speaker 
      pro tempore under this provision may exercise such authorities of the 
      Office of Speaker as may be necessary and appropriate pending the 
      election of a Speaker or Speaker pro tempore. A vacancy in the Office 
      may exist by reason of the physical inability of the Speaker to 
      discharge the duties of the Office.

    Dear sweat baby jesus, let it be Nancy Pelosi!

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