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Everything posted by locodos

  1. If your kid has a grandparent that's a Florida resident, the kid can get instate tuition in Florida. fyi
  2. If you're going Highlands... Don't go cheap on the waterproof boots/ foul weather gear.
  3. If you are in the Highlands (especially the remote areas) and you are getting hungry or want a coffee and you see a place that is open... don't over think it. Stop. There's no guarantee you'll find anything further on, or if you do, that it will be open even during peak hours. Also make sure you have a sedate play list going on the stereo... I was just lost in music and the winding road and almost over cooked a turn or took a blind summit too fast. (on more than a few occasions) Those roads up there are slim, mountainous, rolling, and the views are legit. This song almost killed me.
  4. Inherent Vice... rare airplane movie find. 9/10 would recommend.
  5. Best source IMHO, even though he is a Nole.
  6. ho lee crap this! Hurricane Tropical depression Sandy: <Joosey accent> "You don't understand how devastating it was! Youse ain't seen nuffin like this"</Joosey accent>
  7. at least you didn't have to look it up
  8. It's clear that the people who are ashamed of supporting Trump are desperate to make the conversation about Joe Bidden. They can't defend Trump so they have to tear down Bidden. Slowly all the Trump stuff is getting replaced with newer anti-joe stuff. The height of their political argument is "Joe and the Hoe got to go!" It's a winner because it rhythms! Nevermind there's a decent chance their boy is in jail come next inauguration day. And old Joe will still be working the back channels and getting shit done, like fedding hungry kids and other horrific crimes against capitalism.
  9. This rule change brought to you by Geico.... Media companies talk the ncaa into rule changes to shorten the game and then fill that saved time up with commercials, you know, for the safety of the players!
  10. oh lala, how continental of you! Can we at least put them face up?
  11. This live version goes a little harder than the radio version...
  12. Dabo loves Clempsoning! It's losing to an unranked team
  13. If you ever end up on Cabbage Key, skip the cheeseburger, you want the blackend tripletail... trust me on this one.
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