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Everything posted by locodos

  1. But it was probably all those cheeseburgers and the shakers of salt
  2. Too bad it's just a pragmatic play. It's not about morals, ethics, or a return to "sanity". Any Rs that put country above party died in the Maga fire. Hell Rs are happy to shit on McCain's memory and are starting to turn on the old god too(Reagan) He was too liberal.
  3. Probably this I hope that the D line lives up to the pre-season hype, and that it wasn't just a case the Gata O line sucking. We will see if we Mertz is any good, I think at Wisky he basically only threw the ball on 3rd down, but that didn't go well. Florida has the RBs to MAKE defenses worry about the run (If the O line is serviceable) insert Gata coach (here) has proven he will run the ball. I looking out for young WRs to step up. IMO Douglass is a guy to watch out for. Special teams, I have no idea.
  4. locodos

    Getting old sucks

    Man, Really sorry this is happening to you. Get this shit straightened out with a phone call to insurance. You have to let them know you are not going away, be nice to the employee and talk them up, they know how the system works. I had to fight this shit with my son. Call your congressman and let them know that you you need help, and that you vote, and that you're telling everyone what's happening especially in line to vote. (They probably don't give a shit, but they might have an intern make a call to the healthcare company and shit will get rolling real quick like.) If the insurance is through work, call HR and let them know what's happening. They have the power to get it approved since the company is the one footing the bill and United is just applying cost reduction policies to human lives... like the fucking demons that they are. Are you at a loss for ammo?
  5. Airplanes have windows bro, you can fall out of them too!
  6. locodos

    Is Punk Dead?

    Oh man, it's been a minute since I've heard that expression used. That's gotta be a regional colloquialism.
  7. <csb> In the aftermath of a hurricane here, the power was out for days and days. A friend of mine is a commercial electrician and had some generators. He made a deal with a local gas station that had fuel, but no power to pump it, that he would supply the generator and get it all hooked up but he (and his friends) were to be first in line to get gas. I had a 2 month old infant daughter at the time, a hormonal wife, a freezer full of breast milk, and a thirsty genset to keep everything from going fucking sideways. He got the station up and running and called me to come fill up. The station owner had called his friends and once the line started to form random ass people pulled in line to get gas too. Welp, I pulled up past the line to the pumps in an SUV and pulling my small boat (aka rolling fuel tank). Oh man I was NOT popular and didn't give a single fuck. I had several conversations, once I explained that there wouldn't be any fuel without my friend and his generator, things cooled down. The boat only held 50gals anyway, but man, people desperate for gas don't want to think about you going fishing! Was without power for 28 days</csb>
  8. locodos

    Is Punk Dead?

    Ummmm you're what now?
  9. Sure, but I didn't chose to radically gerrymander districts and allow politicians to submit corporate drafted legislation to the fucked up state congress for rubber stamp approval.
  10. locodos

    Is Punk Dead?

    g-n-r talk not going away, That's me in the middle, that's me losing my religion sanity
  11. Get hit, Lose a track, crew gets out, gets evac'd
  12. Does ND get in with 2 losses and playing service academies/Tn State/Central Mich? Because you know damned well they'll get voted in
  13. locodos

    Is Punk Dead?

    Gonna be in Edinburgh on the 21st. Thought about going to see PIL. I just don't think I want to. I think I'll just have a nice meal and try and find a non corporate Pub
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