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Everything posted by locodos

  1. locodos

    Is Punk Dead?

    Before it became clear, that SD was going Rockabilly, I was at one of their shows with some friends. Maybe the Cameo Theatre IDK... Anyway Mike comes out before the opening act and talks to the crowd a little bit. Then laughs and as he's walking off stage says "let's see you guys slam to this!" The opening act was a country band. Audible groans. It's clear to me now that he really liked the band and brought them along, but oh man, read the room.
  2. locodos

    Is Punk Dead?

    Yeah left in '85... That town always felt like it was plucked out of Cali (or wanted to be anyways) may or may not have pierced my own ear with a safety pin in '83. (fuck I was stupid) The DC punk scene was legit for east coast and we got a lot of that ... But then again everyone got a lot of (Henry Rollins) Black Flag, Bad Brains, Minor Threat I was into Social D, DRI, Kennedys, BF, Circle Jerks... but I think my favorite was 7 Seconds. I didn't like heavy, I liked fast. Disliked metal-ish vocals. So I was late to Misfits and the metal influenced groups. One thing I will say about Hardcore/Punk groups, the music was mostly shit. Seems like each band only had like 3 good songs and the rest were just filler. Here's a modern group that feels more Punk than Grunge to me anyway.
  3. locodos

    Is Punk Dead?

    Yeah, it's not the same. The VERY limited amount of rap I have heard is more of a slow grind build up and to G650's point is somewhat older.
  4. locodos

    Is Punk Dead?

    True, I have some Pop Smoke on a few playlists. But I hear punk music at respectable establishments now. I remember stopping dead in my tracks hearing the Muzak version of Holiday in Cambodia. I think it's clear now that Punks failed just like the hippies.
  5. I find myself randomly thinking of lyrics to their songs... "he was a daredevil! Just like his old man" "Jumpin' Jesus on a pogostick" "Please don't leave a scratch"
  6. locodos

    Is Punk Dead?

    After Gen X, Rap became then new Punk... Youthful anger, anti establishment, provocative lyrics designed to enrage, the olds hate it. This is not my original idea, I heard it in an interview and my first reaction was "tha fuck it is!" but the more I've thought about it the more true it feels.
  7. If I had more time on my hands I'd love to infiltrate the Q community to try and get them mad about what's happening to our soil. also Beelzebubba all time epic album name
  8. If that's true, then the Shaggy Brain trust is perfectly placed to: 1) Start a Rocket company on the cheap using processing power not hardware (I mean we already nailed the activity function) 2) Use the wreath fun the wrap the rockets with pithy posts and paint penises 3) ? 4) Profit! I mean if Space X are huge laggards and they are dominating the launch market? How dumb are we?! BF, G650, I humbly apologize, your posts have given me pause to reflect... Nasa is the perfect image of budget and project management and Space X is lucky they are, coat tail riding bitches!... and frankly I gotta go book some accommodations or I'm going to be sleeping in a sheuch.
  9. ??? I haven't posted anything about Mars, like at all. My post have been: To credit space X radically reducing cost to LEO. Which they did. Link posted above Point out that NASA is a jobs program (looking at you Alababamba) Nasa has been beset by political wrangling (I think from your post you agree) The idea that NASA will have a permanent Human Settlement on the moon on or around 2030 is one of the stupidest things I've ever read on Surly or Shaggy. Especially because we are already balls deep in 2023.
  10. This tells me everything I need to know about your knowledge of the subject. Good day sir!
  11. If your point is that Nasa has been valuable to the US. Great we agree. If your point is that Nasa bid out work that advanced mankind. Great we agree So all that happened by let's say the mid 70's. (So 50 years ago) So tell me the story of Nasa since then... You know, efficient Nasa, who has lost capability over time. Who is it that takes Nasa astronauts to space?
  12. According to who? You got a link to back up that bold statement? LOL at your LOL
  13. I can, because I am an athletic god. But you'd probably break and ankle (or more likely a hip if you're playing pickleball)
  14. Hoka Bondi8s Not insoles, but they are the cushiest shoes on the market... so good
  15. NASA is a political football. In addition to being a jobs program for shitty Red states, it's a cashcow for the defense industry. Space X has DRASTICALLY reduced the cost of payload to LEO. (like a 4/1 reduction) Say what you want about Elon, Space X is doing some real shit... I will admit he might have jumped the shark with Starship. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/20200001093
  16. I don't think you're too far off now. I was in a surf shop the other day and stopped dead in my tracks, they were selling Cord shorts that looked just like OPs. I chuckled, showed my kids and told them you can hear people walking in these. They didn't know what I meant, but I sweater god I can hear it still.
  17. Snotty? - Yeah, but not in mucusy way Alty? - check Punky? - Think if the Cure took their SSRIs and listened to too much Beachboys at the mall Garagey? - That's kinda the only way to describe their sound Check out these nerds from my home town... (or not, that might be the better call) I assure you they sounded way better drinking beer around a bond fire on the beach. They were the first really local band I got into.
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