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Everything posted by locodos

  1. It'll be interesting to see if he will be allowed to lie in state. I mean if he get convicted of the crimes of which he has been accused, do you let a traitor lie in state? Maybe they'll just have him on display at MAL for the public to see, you know for a small fee of course.
  2. You talking Wall St Bros? or my Capstone Fin Prof who dreamed of not needing sustenance or material things so that he could "finally be left alone to model 3rd world economies in peace" He was pretty sure he was onto something, I'm pretty sure he was too, shrooms.
  3. I'm not an engineer, but the three that I know very well (mechanical, civil, and nuclear) are absolutely NOT republicans. Not a significant sample size, I know. I would suspect that family, region of the country, religion, and University environment play a larger role in determining political leanings. I'm just tired of the myth of the gop being the choice of pragmatic, cold calculation. It's just absolute BS.
  4. Not conservatives, not GOP. I'm amazed that this obliterated narrative keeps getting brought up. NO, conservatives pick issues only with their hearts, not with their heads. The idea of the GOP being the party of law and order, science, and cold analysis got dragged out to wood shed and gang raped by Reagan, Newt, and the Costco Republicans. Universal pre-k pays for itself, increases GDP, reduces crime, and host of other societal issues... Nope can't have that Sex Ed reduces abortion and pays for itself... Nope School lunches, nope Funding education, nope pfffft - who wants an educated workforce? Commies that's who! Preventative healthcare, nope Support for Veterans, fuck those losers, nope Climate denial, that won't cost us anything, right? Infrastructure reinvestment, nope Immigration, lulz talk to farmers in Florida to see how that's going. Whilst simultaneously complaining about demographic collapse / population decline in the US Tell me again how cold calculating engineers used science and math to formulate policies that ignore the world and scientists around them.
  5. I'm just looking forward to the documentary... Chapter 5: Second Battle of The Waffle House Ken Burns: " Dear Karen, Although the fighting, modeling of plus sized tactical gear, and memeing reached levels not before seen anywhere except the hallowed grounds of Ft. Walmart, the Waffle House stood fast and continued to serve breakfast although with a reduced menu..." /scene
  6. I don't mean to diminish your post (and I agree), but I'm talking about running gun battles... It's a monthly occurrence here 2 killed after being shot on Sunrise Blvd. near I-95 ramp Dead kids, dead pre-school teacher, missing parents... A few months back I witnessed a car deliberately hit a cyclist who was in the crosswalk (with a walk signal). Not only that, he backed up, to get a running start to try and run over the guy laying on the ground with his bike. The cyclist scrambled away and the car went fully over the bike and swerved to try and get the guy too. Attempted murder for crossing the road with the light. This was ~200yds from the Elementary school my kids attended in a "nice" part of town. I don't imagine they caught the guy, I gave a statement to the cops and a description of the vehicle, never heard anything back.
  7. I completely disagree. I have some ideas, but nothing really worth sharing, it's all personal observation, and basically useless because we each only see a tiny sliver of the world around us. Need big studies and the benefit of hindsight to see what happened. But from my viewpoint, the pandemic caused some strings that were already under strain to snap for a lot of folks. People are angry, seething, it's palpable, road behavior is MadMax crazy around here, fucking nazis show up at strip malls, just right out in the open. I have doubled down on treating everyone I interact with as much care, compassion, and kindness as I can muster. I have seen MOST people react by dropping their guard a little and slipping back into civility, sometimes you can almost see them visibly relax. I try to get a smile from everyone, I think we all need to do that to turn this shit around.
  8. Oh, I guarantee you the McDonalds fry cook takes more of his work home with him than any of you lot. I mean it takes like 2 long hot showers to get that smell off. -signed former MickyD's employee
  9. pfffffftt Teenage girl: "I'm leaving and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" Parents: "Where are you going to go?" Teenage girl: "Anywhere but here! Tommy loves me we'll always be together!" Parents: "isn't Tommy and his family in Florida at Disney World?" Teenage girl: "Fine Tommy is a loser, I'll go live with Lucas in his doublewide!" Parents: "Doesn't Lucas live across town?" Teenage girl: "YEAH SO!?" Parents: "How are you going to get there?" Teenage girl: "IDK you're ruining my life!!!!!" /scene
  10. Man killed during FBI raid in connection with threats against Biden, other officials The fact that he had a ghillie suit is hilarious.
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