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Posts posted by locodos

  1. 2 minutes ago, The Dog said:

    Throwing this here because it doesn't belong on the 45 Indicated thread (great title change).

    It wasn't just Clinton supporters "staying home", but also Bernie Bros voting for Trump out of spite, conservative swing voters who might have voted for a Democrat throwing their votes to the Libertarians (or not at all), massive numbers of undecideds breaking for Trump on election day, and as mentioned previously a goatfuck of a campaign by Clinton that just assumed people would vote for her.

    It took a perfect storm. 

    narrator: "but there were no undecideds, there were only people who did not want to say they were voting for Trump"

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  2. 4 minutes ago, hookemATL said:

    Send his dead ass to NOLA and do a citywide second line with his corpse dragging behind a line of Clydesdales with IBS. Instead of beads, residents throw their own shit and piss balloons at the corpse of the cunt. At the end, toss him in the dankest, dirtiest roadside canal and let the nutria and gators have at em.   Show wraps up with a JazzFest style celebration, with free beignets, hurricanes, and blunts. 


    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 4
  3. 7 hours ago, YGIFS said:


    But our history of Presidents is much more curious than most people realize.  But what I do know is that very, very soon...Donald Trump...the 45th President of the United States.  And perhaps the 47th (hopefully not, but history is a mad scientist).  He is going to die.  And for the first and only occurrence in every single lifetime of every poster on here...we will witness the celebration of a fallen President.  We all watched Presidents get voted out, impeached, even shot.  But we all rallied and wished them well because they were public servants, public leaders, public disciples.  But we get to watch Donald Trump die.  We get to celebrate it.  We get to watch the world embrace it.  We get to see his moronic followers weep over his casket in the Capitol while we wind them up to murder one another at the post-game tailgate. 

    It'll be interesting to see if he will be allowed to lie in state.  I mean if he get convicted of the crimes of which he has been accused, do you let a traitor lie in state?

    Maybe they'll just have him on display at MAL for the public to see, you know for a small fee of course.

  4. 4 minutes ago, nbmishoid said:

    Now I’m remembering that after UT, aggie was our number 2 source.  So we imported a lot of that crap.

    My experience in general, outside of O& G, and especially at the post grad level, is like yours.  Educated folks sounding educated.

    Now, we can analyze finance types.

    You talking Wall St Bros? or my Capstone Fin Prof who dreamed of not needing sustenance or material things so that he could "finally be left alone to model 3rd world economies in peace"  He was pretty sure he was onto something, I'm pretty sure he was too, shrooms.

    • Haha 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, nbmishoid said:

    Well, I didn’t say or mean any such thing.  What started as a mild jest with Twice led me to wonder why most engineers are politically conservative.  You and I presumably being engineers, what is your take on engineers and conservatism?   Is it just the white male in us?   Or, is it your experience most engineers are libs?

    I'm not an engineer, but the three that I know very well (mechanical, civil, and nuclear) are absolutely NOT republicans.  Not a significant sample size, I know.  I would suspect that family, region of the country, religion, and University environment play a larger role in determining political leanings.  

    I'm just tired of the myth of the gop being the choice of pragmatic, cold calculation.  It's just absolute BS.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  6. 56 minutes ago, dcbc said:

    Didn't you watch The Dukes of Hazard?  The cops can't pursue you  across the county line in Georgia.

    Counterpoint:  There isn't a car made that could fly Trump across all those broken? bridges.

    Trump feels like more of a Boss Hog type character to Rudy's Enis

    • Hook 'Em 1
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  7. 4 hours ago, speed817 said:


    Am I the only one who hears Whitesnake when reading this meme?


    Here I go again on my own
    Going down the only road I've ever known
    Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone
    And I've made up my mind
    I ain't wasting no more time
    I'm just another heart in need of rescue
    Waiting on love's sweet charity
    And I'm gonna hold on for the rest of my days

    also I feel dirty inside for knowing the lyrics...damned you 80's Classic Rock stations!


    Damned you all to hell  /noheston


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  8. 43 minutes ago, faps said:

    This is where I notice it the most. Just unhinged crazy driving with a heaping dose of distracted, head down on their cell phone driving. People don't care anymore, they just live in their tiktok bubble.

    I don't mean to diminish your post (and I agree), but I'm talking about running gun battles...  It's a monthly occurrence here

    2 killed after being shot on Sunrise Blvd. near I-95 ramp




    According to the Florida Highway Patrol, there have been 10 highway shooting in Miami-Dade and five in Broward County for the first three months of the year.

    Dead kids, dead pre-school teacher, missing parents...  

    A few months back I witnessed a car deliberately hit a cyclist who was in the crosswalk (with a walk signal).  Not only that, he backed up, to get a running start to try and run over the guy laying on the ground with his bike.  The cyclist scrambled away and the car went fully over the bike and swerved to try and get the guy too.  Attempted murder for crossing the road with the light.  This was ~200yds from the Elementary school my kids attended in a "nice" part of town.  I don't imagine they caught the guy, I gave a statement to the cops and a description of the vehicle, never heard anything back.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  9. 3 hours ago, G650 said:

     I'm clearly not talking the McDonalds fry cook though...

    Oh, I guarantee you the McDonalds fry cook takes more of his work home with him than any of you lot.   I mean it takes like 2 long hot showers to get that smell off.

    -signed former MickyD's employee

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