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Everything posted by locodos

  1. pfffffftt Teenage girl: "I'm leaving and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" Parents: "Where are you going to go?" Teenage girl: "Anywhere but here! Tommy loves me we'll always be together!" Parents: "isn't Tommy and his family in Florida at Disney World?" Teenage girl: "Fine Tommy is a loser, I'll go live with Lucas in his doublewide!" Parents: "Doesn't Lucas live across town?" Teenage girl: "YEAH SO!?" Parents: "How are you going to get there?" Teenage girl: "IDK you're ruining my life!!!!!" /scene
  2. Man killed during FBI raid in connection with threats against Biden, other officials The fact that he had a ghillie suit is hilarious.
  3. Sure, but I want the sec to stay at 16. IMHO any larger and no extra $$$ what's the point? UF/FSU already plays every year... so what happens if they get in? Do we only play them on rotation? Does UGA go on rotation? Expansion = POD talk not going away If SEC does expand I hope they keep their powder dry and get big time programs... and even then, I'd prefer not.
  4. Love it, No need to add teams and dilute earnings or schedule
  5. If this was in the Banana Republic of Florida, You're allowed to defend others from bodily harm with deadly force. So coming over and dotting someone's eye is A OK with me. Although I guess the chair to the head was more of a crossing the T.
  6. My thought was "Fuck, that dude is gonna be exhausted, he's going to get his ass kicked" Followed by seeing him haul himself out onto the dock and then kick his wet shoes off... "man, I'd have taken the shoes off before diving in, but I also wouldn't want to be in a fight barefooted" After that, I was rooting for him, tired, barefoot, and soaking wet Probably because I'm way more out of shape than I am a racist
  7. Oh we went to everybody, started off with the city, then county. There was an internet aspect to the case and all the local authorities kept pointing us up the ladder. They were all like "Yeah this is an issue, but we just don't have the resources for that sort of thing." IIRC the employee stole about $4mil. of inventory/service and sold them on ebay and other online venues. The only reason they eventually were charged is that one E level exec wanted a scalp and didn't care what it cost. Hence retaining outside counsel to help shop the case to law enforcement.
  8. The one time I dealt with Federal law enforcement I was gobsmacked that they ration their efforts because essentially there is more crime than they can prosecute given their resources. We had evidence of a crime committed by an employee giftwrapped in a nice little bow. I remember being in a meeting with our outside counsel and Southern District Attorney and they basically turned us down cold. "This is Miami, I don't have time for anything under $10million dollars." She went on to say that the case was clear but difficult to convey to a jury and that it would take too much of their time for too small of a result" She suggested trying to get the FBI interested in ecommerce aspect of the case. tl/dr Crime it up In Miami/Southern District Keep it under $10mil Make it too complex for a jury to understand easily Profit
  9. Well, unfortunately it was my idea... I was the guy that convinced others it was a good idea... and at the time it was. I bought the all "wine". The RAs would write your ass up if they caught you drinking in the dorm (dry campus). But our RA said to make sure he couldn't tell it was booze and it's all good. So put the bottle in the bag like a wino and viola wino night. Plus he wanted in too. 3rd Thursdays it was lit in Rawlings hall. Ultimately it got too big, with kids from other dorms joining in, and we put the kibosh on it. My liver still hates me
  10. It's Thunderchicken It took all my will power not to Neg you We would occasionally have "wino" night at the dorm... for $2.79 you were in, but you had to drink it out of a paper bag. I swear this shit will effect your vision and everything will be hazy by the end of the evening. The next morning would be like the apocalypse. So hung over, people passed out everywhere, puke in the hall ways... /shudders
  11. Anyone with a Spartan sticker or helmet on their vehicle. I'm always thinking I wonder if they know anything about the Spartans Pedophiles Slavers Monarchists Notoriously shitty cooks Interbred themselves out of relevance
  12. They're on back order! The supply chain just can't absorb a shock like Aggy joining also Salt Life for Life bro!
  13. Yup, IIRC he was also hinting that Florida and the SEC might be doing a little light cheating and that Ohio's players and coaches were held to a higher standard... and on queue... tattoo/memorabilia gate & Tressel got canned. Chef's kiss
  14. I'm pretty sure Texas could wrangle a PAC invite now if they wanted to. I don't think that Florida fans, or those of any other university in the SEC, feel deep comradery for other SEC schools. I can't imagine, as a fan, traveling to another school and thinking "Ah, these are my people!" Nope, I'm here to have a good time, see a great game in a cool environment. If you need that sense of belonging I'd suggest crossfit. That said, if you want to compare atmospheres in the SEC vs Big10, that seems like a way to go. But the idea of having your, or your university's, credibility burnished or tarnished based on athletic opponents seem very myopic. I feel like Delany during his time at Ohio St. was the one really pushing this narrative as a salve to soothe their losses, which as a Florida fan was quite funny.
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