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Everything posted by locodos

  1. Are you talking about PIO (port installed options) These are after market products that Distributors (like SET Southeast Toyota) add to vehicles after manufacture. They are sold to dealers and on to customers as unmodified, but they have been modified from the factory. This is how the distributors try to get their hands some of thaatsweet sweet aftermarket cash. In the SET footprint you could get Yotas from the dealer with BBS wheels, bed liner systems, floormats, superchargers, tow packages etc... and they are infamous for the $75 usb phone cable
  2. So I'm not sure what type of history they're teaching down in Texas. Mizzou might be the only member to be free of those stains... and just barely.
  3. Tha' fuck you talkin' about? They already made me the cashier and bag boy, now I'm supposed to be the cart wrangler too? PS I usually just carry my self bagged groceries from the front of the store to my car anyways, because I'm not a lazy POS and I don't have to fill the Canyonero up with groceries for a month.
  4. You should get a machine to slow the molecules in your house
  5. Actually I think they really don't. But smart to get ready, god only knows what Putin will do when the chips are down.
  6. I'm assuming this was prior to the Life Wallet implosion
  7. Need to get a ruling on this... My son is a valet at a hotel down on the beach.
  8. Fake people.. You can tell them apart right away. They're just trying so hard to project a certain image... and 9/10 it's a shitty image. If you're so broken you can't be yourself, I don't want to know you.
  9. lulz no. They're the Icy Hot Stuntaz of college football. Sure when they were rampantly cheating and playing for titles at home they had success... but oh man Have you met their shitty fans? Have you been to Miami Gardens (+16miles from their "campus") to see a home game? Have you heard that their NIL mega booster is probably going to jail? Do you know they've NEVER won an ACC title? I seriously doubt the Big10 will touch them. South Florida is a big TV market, but you get MANY more eyeballs with either the Gata or FSU. Pros: recruiting South Florida weather
  10. Thanks for telling me what I think... What's for dinner?
  11. You can't lock up markets by taking FSU... Miami is still there and to a much lesser extent USF just got AAU membership and is building a Stadium on campus. Souf Cakalaky, is it even worth trying to lock down? I mean SEC already has a presence. Populations: 9 North Carolina 37000 10,698,973 10 Michigan 26000 10,034,113 11 New Jersey 34000 9,261,699 12 Virginia 51000 8,683,619 13 Washington 53000 7,785,786 14 Arizona 04000 7,359,197 15 Tennessee 47000 7,051,339 16 Massachusetts 25000 6,981,974 17 Indiana 18000 6,833,037 18 Missouri 29000 6,177,957 19 Maryland 24000 6,164,660 20 Wisconsin 55000 5,892,539 21 Colorado 08000 5,839,926 22 Minnesota 27000 5,717,184 23 South Carolina 45000 5,282,634 On the other hand expanding SEC footprint to North Carolina and Virginia has a better chance of adding value to existing members. My preference is for the SEC to stand pat... Also watching f$u rolling around on the floor pitching a fit is so entertaining. (especially since in the 90's the Gata got them an invite to the SEC and they turned it down)
  12. Foley didn't spend like a drunken sailor.. Yes our facilities have been lagging but he kept the athletic dept in great fiscal shape. The new AD is planning a majorly pricey reno on the Swamp. And yes, they'll probably fuck it up.
  13. The 4 Horsemen of shitty college football: "College football should be a safe family focused event were I can bring my 5 yr old and toddler" "I like the NFL experience, games should be more focused on amenities like skyboxes, recliners, massive screens, and music!" "Let's speed the game time up so we can have more commercials in the same window!" "playing smaller schools helps us get practice reps for depth and helps them pay for athletics! It's a win/win!" Then when they've ripped the soul out of the game they blame the students for not showing up. Pretty selfish of them, don't you think?
  14. My question was not properly phrased. The reason I asked was that Trump's legal team would like to change venues to West Virgitina. And I see from this map that WV is still in the 4 appellate district. My question should have been, what are the chances the trial is moved from DC?
  15. I always liked Pac schools (minus Oregon aka Barbie Football) but the PAC as an organization seemed whiny/pouty. I also can't think of the PAC without seeing thujone's cartoon showing them as a vacuous hotgirl.
  16. I keep hearing posters discussing if Trump can win election. My question is will it matter? I know in Florida we have spanky new voter/election security laws, a dedicated state police force to enforce them, a military force under the sole purview of the Governor, GOP controlled state house and senate (cough gerrymandering cough cough), and a super dee duper Supreme Court that just loves states rights! I'm not sure that if the state does go blue, that won't be deemed a fraudlent result, and the state steps in to investigate and appoint electors as Jesus intended. Pretty sure Florida is NOT alone in that, but as is our way, we have just taken it up to eleven under Comandante Dedo de Pudín. PS I forgot the laws on "rioting" which would be enforced if the natives get restless whilst this is going down. Good times! Also pretty sure he's staying in the race hoping for a Trump criminal implosion and be the best of the rest...
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