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Everything posted by locodos

  1. The Gainesville Ripper, You know the serial killer that inspired the movie Scream? Gruesome murders, staged scenes with parts of the bodies, nightmare fuel. I wasn't at the game (in Knoxville), but I heard this directly from multiple different friends. A lot of talk about it around campus too anyways, if you thought things are all chummy in the SEC, think again. There is some truth to the "it just means more" but not in a Disney/espn type of way.
  2. It's all a big friendly club! Filled with mutual respect and handies! Dude, It's gonna be hilarious around here watching expectations meet reality.
  3. Piss bags or perhaps chanting the names of your freshly murdered students... IDK
  4. I like the stitch mode on phones. It can make things wonky, but you can also play with that too
  5. I almost bought a Japanese fotoflame guitar until... I learned it was just a sticker I read about the Hamburgler
  6. When have you known either of them to know a god damned thing? See ATM handshake deals
  7. Well news to me, I haven't EVER heard a Gator bragging about another school. Which fucking school were these posters bragging about? The only schools that have had any real success are Bama/UGA/and LSU. No fucking way anyone who went to UF puffed their chest out about those assholes! I had to literally fight my way out of Bryan Denny Stadium when Siran Stacy went down. Pissed drunk Gumps were lined up outside the stadium after the game. UGA... please Corndogs? Have you seen a UF/LSU shitastic slap fight? What I think you are referring to is when teams within the SEC talk about the difficulty of their schedules vs other conferences. And rightly so. There is no "brotherhood" it's more of a viper's nest.
  8. You won't get it because it doesn't exist. You'll see.. Except Vandy, because no one has a losing record to Vandy!
  9. get ready to hate half your schedule. SEC is choke full o' assholes UF has like 4 rivalry games, 5 on years we play Duh U
  10. I love the fish spatula... so thin I think you could slip it under tissue paper without a wrinkle
  11. One? Chimpanzees, gorillas, porcupines, rhinos, hippos, and giraffes are some examples of animals that can't swim Also had no idea hippos don't swim
  12. You guys are going to love this! https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/us/guns-disposal-recycling.html
  13. December is a great one, and I like the Charlie Brown album as well, but I'm interested in other great recommendations too. I have music on all the time (not just around Christmas), two albums aren't going to get it done.
  14. Like the title says... I'm looking for Christmas music that more or less meets the following criteria Doesn't suck Not "pop" or modern Ideally instrumental, orchestral, and/or choral Doesn't have to be mainstream Some of these are the vibe... and maybe my only modernish.... Just sounds clean & lush You get the idea... PS Surly search is the Mariah of Christmas music
  15. Is uga acting butt hurt? I wouldn't say they're happy, but they aren't pouting little seminole bitches either. (This is about the nicest thing I can say about uga, and it makes me feel dirty...oh so dirty)
  16. pfffffttttt I got mine in Constantinople Istanbul Turkey Türkiye for like $5. Grind by hand and it makes a shit ton of pepper fast. Chuck it up in your drill and stand back! You can get them in the US for probably $35 or so
  17. The level of butt hurt whining at FSU is...
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