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Everything posted by locodos

  1. "Schulze was wearing a red Hawaiian-style shirt" Well isn't that a shame? a boogaloo boy getting arrested and facing federal felonies... Enjoy prison shitbags!
  2. lulz UCF puttin it on them. Charge on
  3. or you get into the meat of your schedule
  4. Blimp? That kinda seems like it wouldn't effect the team all that much. Laughs in Vandy Smirks in Gata They are located in Southeast Michigan.
  5. yeah that's not gonna work. Check out the Kona's great quality build for a kids bike. Good luck!
  6. well then change that to (Capt Oblivious)
  7. I'm guessing Swift could mobilize a lot of young female voters. (Capt. Obvious) Hell she could do a social media piece on registering to vote and a few selfies and that would crush the registrations offices of almost every state. Oh I hope they try to muzzle her.
  8. Wait till you figure out that by being polite and using "Ma'am" is now insulting because you should be using "Miss"
  9. Time will tell, it's interesting that you seem to want this to be some fluke of nature or unforeseeable circumstance. Let's revisit this when more information is out there or not.
  10. I remember when NIN Pretty Hate Machine turned 30... in 2019. FUCK!
  11. not according to the googles “Masters of the Air” is set to release its first two episodes on Jan. 26, 2024, with new episodes dropping each Friday until the season finale on March 15.
  12. oh damned, that's gonna be good. I hope they start with training, almost a third of the deaths were NOT in combat. My great uncle died in Montana in a training accident one week prior to deploying to England. Those deaths were covered up to hide from our enemies that we were having real problems with our bombers fleets. Dangerous to even take off and form up. Spielberg should have plenty of dramatic scenes for us. One of my favorite photos... So much going on
  13. Kona sells a 24" bike. Are you looking for new for Xmas? If not, I have one sitting in the garage that needs some TLC (Kona Shred 2-4). It has scratches and some stickers are ripped, but everything works, just needs a tune up. That said, new grips and tires always make a bike feel good. I've been procrastinating cleaning out the garage and it's gotta go. I don't know what shipping would be on it, but the Surly price is $100 w/o shipping. I can post some pics if interested. Pic below is a stock photo
  14. I just went looking, according to THT it was a 7-8ft day. No anchor out as it came into the beach according to eye witness. Most popular reply "What's that big metal thing on the front of the bow for?"
  15. Well, 20+ years ago when I got my 6pack & tow endorsement I already had 25 years of boating experience. Small sail boats to 45' powerboats and everything in between. Never owned a boat that size, but the LOA isn't the issue. Clearly they got an anchor out whether they drug it ashore or panicked in the breakers and dropped it (more likely). I also know that area well. There are several reefs the furthest out being ~120' on the deep side. Heavy surf would crumble on the 2nd reef and wouldn't break until 1st reef. It's runs from ~90 on the back side to ~35 ish at front of the 1st reef. It would have been much calmer there, It's sand bottom but with enough scope they should have held. Unless they were running after a cold front and we haven't had a strong one yet, the surf there is going to be < 10'. Hell they would have snagged the 1st reef on the way in. They had time to get hooked up. Also this was Delray beach not the Horn of Africa one call to Seatow or BoatUS and I would expect the response time to be <30 mins. Those boys sit in the inlets waiting. But I wasn't there, I don't know the sea conditions, I don't know what equipment they did have at their disposal. But for damned sure they should have had more than 1 anchor and the ability to use it with out power or a cell phone! https://www.usharbors.com/harbor/florida/delray-beach-icww-fl/map/ If it was rough out that makes it worse imho, If I'm running a boat in sporty conditions I'm keeping my distance from land. Maybe they were picking their way through an inlet and shit went sideways at the worst possible time IDK
  16. Did fire suppression kill the anchor too? Because if you're not taking on water and you are adrift and nearing (lets say within 1/4 mile) the shore, you drop anchor and wait for Boat US/Sea Tow. Like I said, that boat doesn't hit the beach intact with anyone competent at the helm.
  17. locodos


    what thread did I wander into? fuckin' A
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