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Posts posted by locodos

  1. 40 minutes ago, CooterBrown said:

    On both an Apple Watch and iPhone you can set one of your cards to be a "transit" card so that you don't even need to open Apple Pay for it to work. 

    Yup just the readers are on the left so that makes the watch awkward for most.  Supposedly you can use the phone even if the battery is dead... but I wouldn't try it.

    Or mess around with an Oyster card

    • Navigation app: Citymapper (it will eat your battery alive)  Also if you walk around with your phone out it might get snatched.  But it'll get you around town like a champ.  I know some locals that use it on occasion
    • Buy a sim card ahead of time  $38  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RXYH2NW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
    • Book a reservation for a Sunday Roast...
    • For "The Tube" We just used our Iphones to tap in and out.  The charge per day maxs out at 5.60 Pounds per day. (double check that)
    • Take the Tube (Piccadilly Line) from Heathrow not the train...  One is 5.6 the other is 26 and depending on where you are going the Tube might actually be faster. https://www.apple.com/uk/apple-pay/transport/
    • Frequent local pubs if you can find one that's not a chain (harder than it sounds).
    • British Museum is a must...  Not really anything British in it, but possession is 9/10ths of the law/finder keepers and all that.  Book a tour!
    • Leave the museum for lunch... this place was pretty good/cheap/localish https://www.saltandpepper.london/
    • Take the Yeoman warder tour at The Tower...  much better than just walking around
    • After the Tower, if it's nice out and if you want a break from the tourist and a coldish pint head up river St. Katherine's Wharf and The Dickens Inn.  Low key, just bar fare, and pretty area IMHO
    • If you are over by the Shard (which I don't at all recommend Sleazy tourist trap) and the weather is nice, the one corporate pub I like is "The George"  You'll be the only gringos there.  Rosemary chips 5/5  If the Brits can cook one thing its a potato.
    • If you are taking the TVG out of London, they aren't joking about checking in >30mins prior to departure...  Trust me
    • Be social and interact with the locals
    • Remember they put 1/3 of the world to the Sword only to collect spices they could never figure out how to use.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. On 1/27/2023 at 1:08 AM, Bender Bending Rodriguez said:

    I don’t think I’ve ever met a Rush fan that didn’t really, really, holy fucking shit really love the shit outta that band. 

    I'd call myself a Rush fan, but I think of them as having a small group of outstanding songs (Tom Sawyer, Subdivisions and a few other) and then just of mix of good to blah.  But Tom Sawyer alone gets them a pass from me... so damned good.


    • Hook 'Em 2
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  3. 18 minutes ago, Patricio Swayze said:

    I like the hilux from a mechanical standpoint but don’t like how the front end looks. I think the Tacoma is a better looking truck. I see a ton of Hilux in Brazil but still haven’t driven one. I saw a cherry one here in Houston that someone imported.

    I would love an old Land Cruiser.

    I have an old '72 FJ... it's simple stupid and basically indestructible

    • Like 2
  4. Having been to Michigan in the 90's for work, it's amazing to me that they produce anything, nevermind anything of quality.   Glad I'm wrong.  Michigan is basically the canary in the American coal mine IMHO.

  5. 1 hour ago, TXLNGHRN10 said:

    I don't understand how this is even a topic
    I have a home, a bbq pit and a camper I tow every now and then. I don't see how owning a camry fits in with my outdoor, home improvement lifestyle. 

    How much mulch can you fit in the trunk? What about the shitty roads I drive on to go fishing or hunting. Hell the shitty roads around Austin will fuck up a car's suspension as it is. 
    If you don't want to own a truck, then don't. Ride your bike or drive your prius or tesla for you 1% and don't worry about it. 

    Wait, You tow your home?

    You're going to be shocked to find out that you can have more than one vehicle.   In your case you need a Canyonero. 90+% do not.   I'm not even close to suggesting people shouldn't buy or drive what they want, but the vast vast majority of folks buy trucks as a lifestyle statement.  But you can't put a Yeti / Salt Life stickers on a Camry.

    When I buy a truck, I keep them for 10+ years, use them sparingly to tow boats, haul stuff etc and that's about it.  I have fewer than 6k miles per year on my current truck.  My other cars are just better in every other way.  

    I'll get flamed for this but in the vast majority of DOMESTIC chores a minivan does everything a pickup truck will do but better.  I just don't want to own one.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Brew said:

    How exactly does driving something that half the rest of the people drive equate to status symbol cool? If I was worried about status, there are way more vehicles out there that would get second looks at the red light over a truck. Also, simple solution for your second problem, trade your Tundra for any number of the smaller trucks that are now on the market. Problem solved.

    It’s such a strange discussion worrying about what other people drive and their reasons for driving it. I agree the 2500’s have gotten too big which is why I’m getting out of it. However, I never sat in my F150’s thinking to myself boy I wish this thing was smaller. 2 kids, 2 dogs, a truck has basically been our open bed SUV for the last 17 years of having kids. Now, they do their own things so I may go a different direction and keep an old truck for truck duties.

    Jeans (dungarees) were invented for hard work... then on the basis of aesthetics alone they became popular and everyone started wearing them, not because they were coal miners or lumberjacks but because it became cool.  

    Redwing boots...  built for miners, now a fixture on hipsters....   you get it, right?

    Trucks used for work, cheap, and purpose built, time passes, and now you have GMC Denali for $80k, Tundras for $70k which are more tailored for public consumption than work.  Sure you can use them to haul and tow but that's not why they are being purchased.


    As for you advice to sell the Tundra and buy a smaller truck...  well the current Tacoma is the same size as my 1st Gen Tundra (Which is still too big since I'm not towing big boats anymore).  Who makes a "small" pickup truck?  

  7. Pickup trucks have gone from utilitarian cool to status symbol cool.   I just want to know who these giants are that can easily put something in the bed of their truck without opening the tailgate.  I have a Tundra Crewmax and its stupid what a pain in the ass it is to load and unload.  I always think about the OLD Tacoma I had that was quick nimble and easy to use.  


    The older smaller trucks are become boutique / collector items now

    • Like 1
  8. I'm not a Boston fan per se, in fact there are few if any groups that I fanboy for or against ... I just like what I like.

    Flip to any of the time marks in this video and tell me this was not a good performance / concert.  More about the music than the spectacle that fucking glam pop "rock" was about to bury us in.


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  9. 16 minutes ago, HamsterHookah said:

    Like with most things in life, the truth probably is in the middle. I'm sure there is inefficiency and unproductivity from WFH, but it's not a panacea and the toothpaste is out of the tube, so striking a balanced chord seems to be the optimal outcome. 

    Depends on the industry and role, no question some require a physical presence component.  Having worked at a company that had a full set of tools to work remotely since '98 it's amazing to hear old tired rehashes of how it can't work.

    Companies that feel the need to control employees physically to ensure work is done have been sloppy in hiring and have poor management.  A company that can only pull from a worker pool of probably half a metro area will be trounced by the same company that can pull the most talented workers from around the world.  I've seen it.  Of course its hard to know if it was the workforce talent or the lack of vision/management.

    • Hook 'Em 6
  10. On 12/30/2022 at 12:43 PM, Brisketexan said:

    Your last para is key: there’s a huge chunk of men who think not just that they should be able to get with, but they’re ENTITLED TO, Emily Ratsjkowski or an equivalent. These bad-at-math morons are the ones equivalent of all of the teenagers in the neighborhood Court whose entire life plan is “make $100 million playoff in the NBA.” 1 in 10,000 of you even makes it to the NBA. Emily is 1 in 10,000 as far as attractiveness. The math says that you have to be more attractive and desirable to her than 9,999 competitors.
    So, the laws of math triumph, and Emily or whoever shoots them down, and they get pissed at the universe (and all women) for daring to deny them what is rightfully theirs….instead of adjusting both their expectations and their game to find a regular pretty-enough girl who enjoys their company and with whom they can have a good relationship.
    I - and many of my friends - are here to tell you that if you just act like a decent human with social skills, manage to be funny, and demonstrate some ambition and promise (read: the potential to actually be successful, and not a gamer living in mom’s basement), you will have no problem outkicking your coverage.
    Be a good, smart, funny dude….not a bitter misogynist with no social skills. It really isn’t that hard.


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