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Posts posted by locodos

  1. Just now, The Dog said:

    the guys he's being compared to athletically are Hurts, Newton, and Culpepper. All three put up video game numbers their senior years. Richardson did not.

    counter point Richardson only started 13 games... and is leaving for the league asap.  Kid is crazy physically gifted, I'm rooting for him, but he made some plays that'll make you think at a minimum he needs more practice/PT.  4.44 40 @ the combine

    Also there are some plays where trucks a db then out runs the others ...  Bigger than Cam, and faster than Cam, less felonious than Cam, and with a cannon for an arm.

  2. 36 minutes ago, TKthunder2 said:

    Rarely outside of big games but they average 45k attendance around 70% of capacity of the off campus facility. Again Miami only has 12k undergrads so they do pretty well if you compare them to private schools:

    I'm calling BS on that.  Perhaps they have sold an average of 45k tickets, but average attendance is nowhere near that number.  I seem to recall years that single game tickets cost more than a 3 game ticket pack (or something like that).  So those big games had fans from other teams buying multigame tickets because it was cheaper.

    counter point, don't know, don't care


    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 18 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    Last Holocaust post then back to Ukraine/

    Not quite. The Vichy government deported Jews through most of 1942 but many of the tens of thousands were deported in 1943 and 1944 after the full occupation of France by Nazis and Italians. Germans absolutely got hands on at that point when it came to roundups and deportations. 

    Also worth nothing that 75 percent of France’s Jews survived the Holocaust, which is astonishingly high for all of Nazi-dominated Europe. Most of them managed to hide in the Free Zone among friends and neighbors. Vichy failed miserably at delivering its “quotas.” 

    Chapter 4... 14:30ish   this guy also taught at the Sorbonne and lived in France half the time.  RIP

  4. 4 hours ago, SL Xpress said:

    I still say as historic cultures the Austrians, Germans and Swiss are self conceited arrogant assholes who are convinced their farts don’t stink. It has less to do with the Holocaust, Dutch famines, and tensions between liberators versus conquerors and more with something deeply embedded. Not necessarily at a genetic level, but for sure on a powerful sociological one. 

    I’ll put it this way. Calling a German/Austrian/Swiss OCD is a bit like calling an Irishman an alcoholic. 

    Edit: Oh, and I should emphasize these are generalizations. It should be assumed I’m aware there are very distinct cultural differences even within those countries. Not everyone is the same. I still stand by the characterization as a whole. 

    And while the Germans’ Final Solution was on a different scale, the number of cultures that have done bad things to Jews around the world is a very long list. They just didn’t load them all into trains and straight up murder 6 million of them.

    But since this thread is about the Ukraine War, I’ll point out Russia is famous for its historical pogroms, even while Jews have always made up an important part of its intelligentsia. Russian Jews have been a critical part of the success of Israel, too.

    Same with virtually all of Europe, really. It’s pretty easy for me to argue that Europe’s world hegemony and the dominance of Judeo-Christian culture doesn’t happen without the Judeo part. 

    The Germans didn't put french jews on trains east.  The french people did.  All the Germans had to do was ask.


  5. Liked Natalie Merchant, never really listened to the guitar in that song before...  so strange

    Not complex and I think they did a rig run down...  so a solvable mystery

  6. 34 minutes ago, Parliament said:

    The Nazi's were absolutely TERRIFIED of Canadian soldiers in WW2.  Said they fought like savages.

    Fast forward to today, and Canada is the best ally America can have.  Culturally similar but not stupid like we are.  God bless Canada, I say.

    Australia is America's best ally.  They've fought for us in every war.  Not so much the British & Canadians.  After the civil war the US was prepping to fight the English (again) and Canada (again).  1812 was still fresh in American memory.

    God bless those goofy upside down bastards

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  7. 22 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    I thought LSU-Florida parting as rivals was mutual? Both sides have bitched plenty about playing each other. 


    Not that I've seen.  All the Gators I know look forward to the game.  I'm sure there are some but I'd say they are a small minority.  You will hear grumbling from the die hard "Titles are the only thing that matters" guys that UGA gets an easier schedule...  but that's about all I've seen. 

  8. If the SEC can screw the Gata, they will.  I'd prefer any 3 of these

    • UGA - for obvious reasons (This needs to be a lock and it probably is)
    • LSU - new rivalry and I don't want to see the corndogs get their way and duck us (lol we sux)
    • AU - Big rival that was sacrificed last expansion. 
    • Ten - was a big game that lost some luster from the UF fans because we owned them (past tense)  Fun fact: Peyton never beat the Gata 

    I know everyone is going to take one for the team but I don't want a pairing with these teams:

    • Missou
    • M State
    • Ark
    • Ou - just because it doesn't make any sense


    I want there to be less regionalization in scheduling, but I think the frequency of seeing non permanent teams on the schedule makes up for that.  Gotta keep that in mind

    I think what you'll find out soon enough is there is no love lost between any of the SEC teams save Vandy.   Most (not all) of the games feel like rivalry games with perceived grievances, rowdy fans, and "exciting" game environments

    Either way it's going to be a good time.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    What you don't grasp yet is that you've gotten your wish: limitations on the right to possess a firearm are functionally dead now.  Anyone and everyone, at all times and in all circumstances, has a God-given right to carry whatever firearm they want, with no restrictions.  This is your paradise.  Bask in it.  But be sure to buy laundry detergent that removes bloodstains, because eventually, we're all going to get some splatter.


    • Haha 1
  10. Alt Country really isn't my bag, but The Drive by Truckers are playing a gig at a smallish venue about 2 miles from the house.  Been toying with the idea to go see them with some friends and check out the vibe.  

  11. On 2/12/2023 at 2:26 PM, Brisketexan said:

    Was just talking with the boy, catching up on his life at college and whatnot. Their dorm arrangement is sort of a shared flat sorta thing: private bedroom and bath, shared kitchens and common area. His flat is 5 people, one of whom brood to himself, but the other 4 (2 guys, 2 girls) has been pretty tight. Until a week ago. The other guy comes down and bangs on my son’s door - “DID YOU JUST KNOCK ON MY DOOR?” “No, dude…I’ve been sitting here working on one of my essays.” “I KNOW IT WAS YOU.”
    Long story short, that dude is now giving everyone else in the flat the silent treatment, won’t help clean the common areas, etc. He’s having absolute fit over…thinking someone knocked on his door but didn’t own up to doing it.
    As the boy is explaining this, he then says “the thing is, he’s one of those Andrew Tate apostles.” I tell him “oh, I get it” (wife looks at me asking WTF?). The boy goes on to explain that it seems he thinks that all confrontation has to be handled by “being an alpha,” but when it’s a stupid and pointless confrontation, that puts you in a stupid bind.
    What the fuck? What’s wrong with an ethos of “just be a decent dude; that doesn’t mean being a pushover, just be decent?”
    These fuckholes are social poison.

    Your kid's college experience is pretty different from my kid's

    • Private bathroom?  HA  he shares 2 bathrooms with 4 dudes.  It looks like a crime scene.  I use the gas station bathroom before visiting him because it's MUCH cleaner
    • My god son's dorm has one bathroom per floor... poor bastard
    • 2 of his other "room mates" (it's a 4/2) are so shy he's only seen them at move in or hears a random cough / noise from the other rooms.  It's bizarre
    • The common area (living room and kitchen) are barren apart from the trash and random food particles...  he's the only one that cleans (but not much) Animals
    • But there are Nazis and radical Christian sects on campus that try to confront students and get them to react for social media...  One harasses you while the others film it. So kinda Andrew Tate-ish? / Alpha male fantasy stuff


    My advice to him is walk away no matter what they say.  If you're in a class group with any of these types just laugh at them and dismiss them. Don't take the bait.

    Also on his agenda, I told the boy to learn to fight if all else fails.  He's got a black belt from one of those kiddie Tae Kwon Do outfits when he was young, but I don't think he can fight well.   The thing he has going for him is he's a coach on the Rock Climbing team and the boy is ripped.  I don't think the average meathead would make a point to test him.

    Scary sending your kid off into this world.  When I dropped him off for his first semester driving home a million things went through my head that I hadn't taught him about.

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