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Posts posted by locodos

  1. 31 minutes ago, Deej said:

    If there's nothing to differentiate the $400-500 Squier from the $1000 MIM Fender, why would anyone buy the Fender? Well, except for the people who thing the decal on the headstock matters.

    I agree, but hear me out.  It literally cost them NOTHING extra to make their product better by cutting the nut to a normal width.  The nut is still 42mm so they didn't save on material.  There are still other things that can create differentiation.  The wood choice, the cheaper electronics, country of origin, etc...  those make a difference and help keep cost lower.  So doing those things makes sense and creates tiers in product lines. Just cutting the nut narrower is a straight up dick move.  The nut on my CV cut is 2.14mm narrower from e to e string compared to the MIM.

    As for the sticker upgrade, the counterfeiters prove that's a viable path.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

    1) Pics of aforementioned violin.

    2) While we’re on the subject of your being an idiot…

    Have you thought about replacing the nut with one that is cut to match the MIM nut?


    3) Perhaps you were looking for the word “easier”, as in “Is this done to make the Classic Vibe easier to play for youths, womenz, and people with slimmer fingers and/or smaller hands?

    If I keep this guitar (which I am leaning towards), I am almost definitely going to get the nut replaced.  But it does occur to me that I know fuck all about why Squier might have done this or the implications of just changing the string spacing at the nut.  Is there an issue with the tuner spacing/angles of the string from the tuners to the nut?  Or should I just practice with the tighter string spacing and "get good" 

    I can imagine those Fender/Squier bastards in a corporate meeting room...  "You know what would be funny?  Lets put a real bone nut on the CV so the spec sheet / marketing guys are happy about the Squier guitar upgrade path, but lets cut the string spacing a little tight so it's harder to play and makes the MIM guitars feel better/worth an extra $400"   High fives and all around!  "Also lets gloss the fuck out of the neck!"  FIN

  3. Well I just figured something out...  When I compared specs of the the Squier CV tele and the MIM fenders they seem to be the same in regard to nut width and neck width.  But when I play the Squier I have a harder time with A Chords (or really any chord up by the neck) than I do with the MIM strat or even the MIM tele that I just returned.  I keep muting the high e... I feel like Mongo fingering a violin.  I had checked the neck and nut width with calipers and the CV & MIM had the same/super similar measurements and it bothered me yesterday.   It took me a while, I'm an idiot, but I got the calipers back out and measured the string spacing.  Sumbitch!   Why would you put a narrower string spacing on the same sized nut/neck ??  Fuck off Squier.  Is this some bullshit to make the Squier play/feel different/harder to play?   

  4. 13 minutes ago, nineliveslost said:

    He admitted it ... Thought it was cool since they were on the interweb and then they found more (worse images) on his other devices.

    Fuck...This...Guy... Florida should come out and say he is no longer a part of the university and not welcomed back  


  5. 25 minutes ago, DougO said:

    Yeah, I'm assuming they bought a massive shipment of those exclusive Lake Placid blue Players a couple of years ago at a sweet price. The cracks and scratchy pots are likely a result of being stored a long time in a warehouse, just my guess. They are fairly inconsequential and I'm sure it will vary from guitar to guitar. 

    Just spinning the knobs a while could take care of the pot noise, and if needed spray a little electronics cleaner in them, they are probably OK.

    Did it come with any kind of bag? 


    OK, I posted that before I saw the photos. That's not good. Probably got bumped around a lot. 

    Adorama is very good with customer service, returns and such. They are a huge business and stock a ton of stuff. Stuff like this happens, but they will make it good.

    It wasn't pot noise, it felt like the knob was rubbing sandpaper.  No sound just tactile.  Not that I've felt a lot, but in handling 30-ish guitars I haven't felt pots that scratchy.  I agree probably dirty and may have smoothed out.

    I don't think the guitar got damaged in the box, I'd bet it got packed by fender that way.  The box was unopened and in good shape, the foam bag didn't look like it had much wear either.  Plus that crack on the body looks like it had been filled with something.  There were a few other really nit picky flaws in the finish that you'd never notice unless you really looked for it.  I went back and looked over my son's strat (also bought @ Adorama) and his is pristine (even after a couple of years being owned by a teen)

    And no bag, just the guitar, tags, and allen wrench

    • Like 1
  6. and returned...   I will say this, Adorama so far has had excellent customer service.  No long wait for an agent, no hassle, quick response to email.  I do wonder if they are selling Fender B stock.  But my son's LPB Strat was fine first try, so maybe Fender just stuck them with a dud.

  7. Also there was some discussion about the year of these Adorama Lake Placid Blue guitars.  The one sent to me had a serial begining with MX21...   I looked up the full serial in fender's system and it showed 1/22.  fyi

  8. Well the guitar arrived from Adorama yesterday evening.  Just had a few minutes to give it a quick once over.  And spoiler alert I don't know shit about guitars so any advice would be appreciated.

    The guitar came in the factory sealed box that was in good shape.

    1. The neck is very blonde and without much/any wood grain.  It looks like a very light tan plastic.  It looks like it could have been made out of melted barbie dolls.
    2. It sounds loud when played without an amp
    3. It weights 7'12oz
    4. Pots seem scratchy (like noticeably scratchy)  
    5. Action is low with no fret buzzing
    6. Fret ends are a mixed bag, they are rougher than my Squier CV which feels really good to me
    7. Some light scratches on the neck by the nut where the file guy had too many Cuban coffees
    8. 1" long crack in the finish on the back belly side edge (it's through the finish and is rough if you run your finger over it)
    9. 1/2" long hairline crack on the heel/neck pocket (looks to me like it cracked when they ran the screws in to hold the neck the crack is on the front corner of the heel)

    So I'm going to call Adorama this AM to get a replacement and play the lottery again.  I was going to just get an adjustment for the cosmetic damage, but I don't want to mess around with a crack on the neck pocket (especially by one of the screws).   This is not an Adorama fault IMHO the box was sealed from fender and unmolested.  Compared the Squier CV it just does not feel as nice.  That might have changed once I had played it some but that's my initial impression

  9. On 11/28/2022 at 8:13 PM, Napoleon said:

    Same. I have wondered if I made the right choice buying the Strat over the Tele two years ago or so and have considered buying it a few times when it has dropped into the $539 & $549 range. I am saving the $499 price & Adorama screenshot (from above in the thread) in case I want to buy it at a later date. Those guitars aren't getting any more modern and they've established their new low price.

    I'm likely going to Spain later this month and want to get one of those Jet JT-300 teles with the satin roasted maple neck (rosewood fingerboard) in a Daphne Blue if I can find one. Lots of Jet retailers in Spain (I'm going to Madrid and maybe elsewhere) and would like to buy one, take the neck off, and bring it back as a trophy.



    It should run about $200 and maybe even less than that if I get my VAT back on the way out at the airport.

    If that doesn't happen, then maybe I circle back for the $499 Tele from Adorama.

    Maybe just order it?


    it has a warning that it can't be shipped to some countries.  Added it to a cart then selected USA and it seemed to be ok.  ymmv

  10. 1 hour ago, Deej said:

    Question for anyone who has bought one of these from Adorama...are the maple necks as pale as they look in the pics? I'd be all over it if they had a bit of tint to them. 















    I bought the Adorama strat for my son a couple of years ago, it's pretty light in color.  The fretboard is gloss and the neck is satin.  I feel like the tele in the picture has a particularly pale neck but in my case n=1 .  Look at the strat pic and you can see more color in the wood. That is similar to my son's, but it is NOT tinted IMHO.



    I wish the fender logo was the silver one with pearl-ish fret markers.  But I bought one anyway.  Will report back when it shows up

  11. 15 hours ago, G650 said:

    Now gloss maple necks on the back are really shitty. My old MIM Strat had a shiny neck, I took a belt sander to it.

    Picturing your neck going from classic C to classic stop sign shape neck.     I'm planning on sanding down the neck on my CV eventually.  I haven't played enough to know what I prefer yet.  But switching back from my son's strat the neck does feel sticky on the CV.  But it looks so damned good and the guitar is pristine, I just can't bring my self to start sanding finish off. Yet


    If I keep with it, I'll probably sell the CV and upgrade

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