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Everything posted by locodos

  1. So I got trolled IRL by a Maga granny. I made the unforgivable mistake of food shopping at a Walmart grocery store. CSB: As I was walking up the eggs I noticed an older lady (assume late 60s) opening egg containers and looking through them for broken eggs. Then she would put the container back and go to another brand and she seemed to be seriously pondering the eggs. I watched for 30 seconds or so because she and her cart kinda blocked the eggs I wanted to get. Once she moved aside and I slipped in and grabbed a carton of eggs. While I was checking them for damage she walks up behind me and in a playful conspiratorial tone says "$6 dollars for eggs can you even imagine?" Then she hit me with the Joe Biden did this, then corrected herself to say it was Kamala! Foolishly I thought to myself that she really didn't know about global inflation and how the US actually had lower rates of inflation than other modern nations post covid. As soon as I mentioned it and that Biden had done a magnificent job in managing a soft recovery she started in with the Maga talking points. I told her I would never vote for a felon, a rapist, and a racist and walked away. She followed me halfway across the store spouting Trump bullshit, he was framed, the libs!, only Trump can save us.... Finally I turned around and said loudly enough that several people nearby turned to see what was happening "34 felonies and counting! he's a damned rapist for god sakes" She just smirked and said TDS and headed back to the eggs to wait for the next person to hassle. /CSB Not energized, huh?
  2. My biggest problem with this theory is that I can never remember the supposed fire wall total. Please post as 381k/xxxk thx, bye
  3. At the risk of talking football on a football site... You should go, you're gonna have a great time at that game. These aren't the high flying gators of old. Now it's just curl routes short of the sticks and runs on 3rd and long. Fun drinking game idea, Drink every time the Gata QB rolls out to the right. PS you'll die.
  4. I will say this, In S Florida the ballot drop boxes have security folks holding down folding chairs. I haven't been to one at 2am, but still, it's nice to know. With the availability of cheap cameras, I'm surprised other states aren't at least providing full camera coverage.
  5. kids do tend to have parents... and parents tend to have beliefs and world views they pass on.
  6. So your position is there are no conservative shitbags in Oregon? Or that cars don't exist?
  7. These UVA guys got you.. https://www.crutchfield.com/S-GUdWBC3ZneT/
  8. Eastern Shore is home to some of the worst people in the planet. Fuck’em hope you stopped off at Stingrays
  9. An e level exec at GTE told me …. If you want to learn something go to a good state school. If you want rolladex go ivy. He was dead serious and to this day I wish I had paid more attention to what he had to say.
  10. So anyone who thinks Yale is insulary and weak on US history…. Take this guys course and get back to me. It’s just some fuck sticks just don’t want to use their minds. https://oyc.yale.edu/history/hist-119
  11. some advice from the Florida (checks notes) Surgeon General
  12. Looks like her edible just kicked in
  13. Nuss had to move cause his dad sucks at corching
  14. I don't think you can get blood out of decomposing corpse
  15. Pics of the Princess or GTFO (assuming she's over 18) k thx, bye
  16. I saw him broken down on the way to pick up some Dim Sum. I rolled down the window and laughed and laughed. He did not look happy. I figured I'd have the camera ready on the way back in case he was still there... No illusions about Florida being remotely redeemable, but I did take my daughter to vote today. So proud of her.
  17. *cough* EU & Brazil *coughcough* Certainly won't stop them if you don't try.
  18. The fall of Chili's and how it was the high water mark of PAX Americana
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