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Everything posted by locodos

  1. So your position is there are no conservative shitbags in Oregon? Or that cars don't exist?
  2. These UVA guys got you.. https://www.crutchfield.com/S-GUdWBC3ZneT/
  3. Eastern Shore is home to some of the worst people in the planet. Fuck’em hope you stopped off at Stingrays
  4. An e level exec at GTE told me …. If you want to learn something go to a good state school. If you want rolladex go ivy. He was dead serious and to this day I wish I had paid more attention to what he had to say.
  5. So anyone who thinks Yale is insulary and weak on US history…. Take this guys course and get back to me. It’s just some fuck sticks just don’t want to use their minds. https://oyc.yale.edu/history/hist-119
  6. some advice from the Florida (checks notes) Surgeon General
  7. Looks like her edible just kicked in
  8. Nuss had to move cause his dad sucks at corching
  9. I don't think you can get blood out of decomposing corpse
  10. Pics of the Princess or GTFO (assuming she's over 18) k thx, bye
  11. I saw him broken down on the way to pick up some Dim Sum. I rolled down the window and laughed and laughed. He did not look happy. I figured I'd have the camera ready on the way back in case he was still there... No illusions about Florida being remotely redeemable, but I did take my daughter to vote today. So proud of her.
  12. *cough* EU & Brazil *coughcough* Certainly won't stop them if you don't try.
  13. The fall of Chili's and how it was the high water mark of PAX Americana
  14. also Florida... 77lb Whitetail The Conservancy of Southwest Florida on Thursday shared images and video showing a Burmese python attempting to “ingest” a 77-pound white-tailed deer. The adult female python, photographed in South Florida by conservancy biologist Ian Bartoszek, measured 14 feet, 8 inches. Bartoszek stated: “Watching an invasive apex predator swallow a full-sized deer in front of you is something that you will never forget. "The impact the Burmese python is having on native wildlife cannot be denied. This is a wildlife issue of our time for the Greater Everglades ecosystem.”
  15. When exactly was this? You know since you miss it.
  16. csb: Was in the Athens airport waiting for a flight. We were camped out in a crowed little airport cafe and an OLDER couple looked in hopefully to find a seat, but there was no room. I told them they could sit with us if they liked and they gladly accepted. I had the kids scrunch down the bench and we managed to get all 6 of us seated around the small 4 top. The couple was quite old but clearly well travelled and they asked about our trip. At one point I mentioned how in the Peloponnese the road sign and the city names never seemed to match up and it was slightly confusing. But I also said that Greek seemed like a difficult language to learn and it probably wasn't worth the hassle. With a rye smile the old man proceeded for the next 5 mins to tell me all about the benefits of learning ancient Greek. (who knew there were any!) Evidently he was an antiquities/language professor of some sort at Yale. Which was cool because I had had the kids watch Kagan's Yale course on the Peloponnesian wars. He got a chuckle out of that. PS the difference in the city names on street signs is if they are in Greek/Byzantine Greek/ or some other regional dialect of Greek. But they are used interchangeably.
  17. so you've got enough money for a Jetski or a Vette, but not both... IMG_2845 - Copy.MOV
  18. That's some ironic shit, because the german pioneer families swore fealty to Mexico in exchange for land.
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