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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by LonghornSean

  1. Filthy from Morehouse
  2. Shit. Didn’t need that
  3. I’ll admit that does not sound like a good milkshake recipe but the dude spit out his food like a toddler.
  4. That was big
  5. Cue @kingkoopa6
  6. That’s what I’m talking about boys
  7. They’re getting some serious contact
  8. Shit you’re right, I forgot I could be using multicast option thru ESPN app (on Xbox).
  9. And TCU with a three run shot. 14–1
  10. Love Squeze Play on ESPN+
  11. Damn, what was the xG in that match? Ring should have buried that first half chance but man were we hanging on down the stretch.
  12. When Gordon gave her the proper intro and finally got to the “Marvelous Mrs Maisel”, could see it coming yes, but I thought that was a really cool moment. Will miss this show. Just a fun watch.
  13. Yeah I love Lin Manuel Miranda and his music but they should have left that song on the cutting room floor.
  14. Mattson’s response, “Love is in the air” was fucking hilarious.
  15. Fair point, but a few of those non-conference games may be on the road and not belong to ESPN, and many of the home ones will be against Sisters of the Poor, and therefore less valuable than SEC conference matchups.
  16. Just watched it and think I could make out: “jefe” “amor” and “más importante”, so I think he said something along the lines of “quit your yapping fellas the boss’ love(r) is more important”. Ok ok, just trying to show off my shoddy Spanish. Your point is right, it didn’t actually matter. The scene was hilarious.
  17. Another factor working against nine games is ESPN may be reluctant to agree to an increased annual payout for the added inventory.
  18. Oof, cool for Luton but hate to see it end on a total miss like that, without either keeper coming close to a save.
  19. Wow what a swing of emotions. Luton scores a late winner only to have it called back a moment later due to a handball. penalties imminent
  20. Pitiful. I just about fell asleep in the first half
  21. Bob’s over laughing and laugh talking during the interview with Big Randy from No Laying Up is annoying AF. Also pretty sure Randy said, “to Cordy’s point” during the interview.
  22. Walker Texas Railey
  23. I swear I looked at apple weather earlier today and it had next Thursday with a high of 79 in Austin!! I didn’t really believe it but it’s back to 85. Still beats last year at this time which I feel like was at 100+ daily.
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