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Everything posted by TexasMan

  1. Gameday just said they were told Henderson was out but he just ran out on the field suited up.
  2. How great would it be if Rice and Wyoming kept winning and both got ranked
  3. Eli Stowers is at New Mexico State now? Once an aggy, always an aggie I guess..
  4. Another dose of reality for aggy from a national perspective. This time from Pardon My Take. Timestamp 36:10 - 40:30
  5. Big time 2024 decommitment from them tonight and now this. The sharks are circling...
  6. Someone just retweeted this on my TL lol
  7. Line to 23 Over/under up to 61
  8. Billy looks really defeated here, because he knows his grift is over. No way he can make any propaganda out of this now.
  9. Already seeing the line up to 23.5 now
  10. We run the ball the way we should and not shoot ourselves in the foot, we should cover this number with ease.
  11. Over/under 64.5
  12. Hah! Jinx!
  13. Lemme guess: 90 and Griggsish area?
  14. The only reason they even got Owens is because Satterfield took the Cincinnati job. A great 5 star RB landed in their lap and Jimbo/Petrino can't do shit with him.
  15. I'm embarrassed to be from the same neighborhood as David Nuno. Little bitch scolding fans because they call out texags for giving Jimbo softball questions at pressers. Makes sense that he couldn't cut it at abc13.
  16. User name checks out
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