I’ve been around Austin sports radio, stations, personalities, etc. my entire life. I grew up knowing all of those guys and have watched them all switch back and forth as the UT contract dictated which station had the pull to assemble a halfway decent lineup at one point or another. It’s hard to survive in any business with a fuckstick like Nassour running the show, much less an ever-buck-passing-corporate-consolidation clusterfuck like terrestrial radio has been for almost 30 years. Having Bob Cole involved at any point doesn’t help achieve a successful business either, despite what he might tell anyone listening. Then having your best guys who actually have a feel for radio bail (Kevin Dunn and BK) doesn’t help. That’s around the time I quit listening at all. E Hogan is just ok. Bucky was never great but has been downright embarrassing for years. Even considering all of that, they still probably could’ve kept it going but they lost the UT contract, so that’s that. No way to keep that turd afloat without that contract. I have no insight into whether UT didn’t renew because of all of the above or just got better terms from the iHeartradio group, but either way, it’s done. I expect E Hogan and Craig Way to end up over there, although that’s not based on any inside info yet, not like anyone would actually give a shit about that palace intrigue at this point.