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Everything posted by Mikegundy'sMullet

  1. You did a little better than I did. Well done. Vertigo, Netzer did great with that big GIF.
  2. Once we went square, I got a very wet Vicki Li back as my avatar.
  3. Derka's new user name causes me to distrust his supreme knowledge of basketball.
  4. I've all but abandoned that place. Orange Power is a fucking beating. The rules and the culture don't reflect OSU at all. I'm a Poke, and that pissed me off. Warnings for profanity? Fuck that. I quit that board when they kept over-moderating my language by sending me warnings through PMs, and I had less than a hundred posts.
  5. It's no big deal. I knew what you meant when you posted it. Yes, I did tweak my user name. I'll be the same shitty poster who tries to hide behind cute girl gifs as an avatar.
  6. I understand. However, one season is not a trend. It's a start.
  7. This requires the owners to stop spending so much stupid money on aging, broken down stars and speculative bullshit, but yes--agreed.
  8. No, embarrassed is not being socially competent enough to follow through as a teen. Regret is still having my forearm stink like your mom days after I've fisted her.
  9. I used to serve tables at a local shithole during high school, and cute girls would sometimes leave their phone numbers folded up with the tip. I never followed up on a single one because I lacked any initiative, and I would often leave their numbers in the pocket of my pants.
  10. NY Daily News Dead at 73. I remember him being old with the Mets when I was kid, but seeing more players I watched as a kid die is tough.
  11. I agree, and your idea probably warrants a thread. It's like when I went to the Colorado Springs Zoo and watched a gorilla eat his own shit. None of us need to see either one.
  12. Seeing an angry snowstorm pop over the Front Range of the Rockies and knowing that I've got no place that I need to be, a pot of chili (no beans), and a great book to finish.
  13. Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?
  14. I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
  15. That's what I figured that this thread was about when I clicked on it.
  16. The dirty t-shirt really makes the meal.
  17. It's because hipsters and douchebags wear them ironically.
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