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Everything posted by Valmy77

  1. Yeah. Whatever that means at this point.
  2. Yep currently down in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Minnesota, Iowa, and New Mexico. How much any of that means at this point is beyond me.
  3. I still feel good about my map. We'll see.
  4. Unwarranted? Yes. But we needed the hopium. Now for the cold water of reality.
  5. How exactly would that be enforced?
  6. I just want to say regardless of how shitty this goes, I want to thank all of you for keeping me sane on the run up to this election.
  7. As I said...moderately disappointing. I am also hoping our sheriff gets re-elected, but he has a bit of a hole to climb out of.
  8. Well hopefully we will lose in a normal way. Where as Florida seems to be falling into darkness. But we will see. Maybe Texas also sucks even more than usual.
  9. Results in Williamson County are moderately disappointing so far but we will see the ED voting. Allred ahead at least.
  10. She will lose that county. But it has shifted 3%.
  11. Ohio seems to be shifting blue, same with Indiana. That bodes well for Pennsylvania and Michigan and Wisconsin.
  12. Yeah and it is slightly more Trumpy this time. So far anyway.
  13. The treason swings in Georgia and Florida are concerning.
  14. It is crazy how far Florida is shifting to Trump. I guess they love treason.
  15. What are you talking about? We barely have any results yet.
  16. Last time it was 62-37 in 2020 and 66-34 in 2024. So a nice swing our way so far.
  17. Not looking great for that so far.
  18. RFK Jr dominating Rush County, Indiana so far. Is that...a mistake? Trump with 1% of the vote with 36% of the vote in. Is this another Pat Buchanan situation? Edit: Ok reporting fuckup. Knew it was too funny to be true.
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