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Everything posted by Valmy77

  1. Is this program really so expensive that should even be a major concern? Surely kids eating is the least concern when it comes to wasteful government spending.
  2. Well maybe. And in fact it might just make the situation worse. But all this stuff needs to be brought to everybody's attention constantly. Somehow.
  3. Well yeah. They told me my whole life "it isn't what you know, it's who you know." And to get out there and "network." Yet if anybody non-white ever gets a job, they weren't qualified. It was only ever merit based in the past. That is why Trump put his kids in charge of things in his first term. They just happened to be the most qualified.
  4. Yes. That is very misleading. Everybody would think that means they are out in the general population someplace who read that.
  5. Relying on any GOP members, besides a few old fossils in the Senate, to do anything is just delusional. Hell at this point I am just hoping a few Democrats do something. They should be screaming out every damn stupid ass thing Trump does and sounding the alarm. Instead they seem to just sort...sit there and watch.
  6. Sounds like you are incompetent at your job. Much like the Russian Czars.
  7. To be fair, most of this stuff deserves to be said more than once.
  8. Well there we go. These guys had years to put together their plan and still things are all poorly planned. At least in 2017 I could figure he never expected to actually win.
  9. The arbitrariness of this seems idiotic. How can they prevent really important personnel from taking the offer and less important ones hanging around? Surely a scheme like this should be more targeted. In the past I would have assumed I just didn't know the details and surely more thought was put into this behind the scenes...but these days who can say?
  10. So...what is going on with these funding freezes? I assume they will be halted in a few days and Trump will declare himself the hero. But I just don't understand why they happened.
  11. That hasn't been true in Texas. The State government has been working to undermine local government authority for a long time.
  12. They wouldn't dare...would they? We were smart enough to put it into law this time so even if they overturn it, they would have to pass a law. That seems like it would take more courage than most Republican lawmakers have. But we'll see I guess.
  13. There is zero reason not to use that technology for touchdowns and spots. It's not like the refs don't have a ton of other things to look at during a play.
  14. The contracts weren't that bad by the 1960s. Len Dawson, the answer to the trivia question 'what was the name of the other Kansas City Quarterback to win the Super Bowl?'
  15. But why? I guess this is just more of the TEA and the state government trying to strip as much power from local government and school boards as they can.
  16. And the Church would get more money per student from the state than public schools get? Did I get that right? I hope that shit is just a rumor.
  17. The Bills wanted Worthy to play for Kansas City. Their cunning plan paid off. Looks like an adult contemporary music act.
  18. Oh we know Eric, we know. But if he did say that, I am not sure why he would delete that. Trump supporters love stuff like that.
  19. And it was a bad spot that put them in that position to begin with.
  20. I will watch the game. I could tolerate the Pats more because I was legit impressed by their excellence. The Chiefs just seem to barely squeak by everybody which is...tiresome. Hate the Eagles though so, I don't anticipate enjoying this much either way. But hey it is the Super Bowl. Any excuse for a party.
  21. Well that's fun.
  22. Sure. But it chips away at the international structure we spent decades building up. And makes countries regret ever deciding to trust us with uncertain consequences. But I guess in the short term it will get us some short term benefits. Though what benefit we got there, Colombia agreeing to do something they already agreed to do, I am not sure.
  23. That is why this forum was made to house us.
  24. Colombia having a problem with the military doing this is perfectly understandable. Then Trump over-reacted to a ridiculous degree, and Colombia caved. I just don't think bullying Colombia over such a minor issue made much sense. What are we doing? Is this really the kind of insignificant shit we want to waive our big stick around for? Anyway everybody will have forgotten about this (maybe even inside Colombia) in a few days, so maybe it doesn't matter.
  25. Wasn't the whole issue was just using military planes? I didn't really get why we couldn't just use commercial planes to drop them off. But whatever. Don't know why such a small issue required a temper tantrum. The whole situation was just bizarre. It is also why I don't like getting caught up in the daily spectacle of Trump bullshit. Most of it is absolute nonsense. Like the whole Greenland thing. Nothing is going to happen, and whatever does appear to happen won't actually change anything. It all just there to distract you from the bad shit that is actually happening.
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