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Everything posted by Valmy77

  1. We're awesome. I wasn't worried for a second.
  2. Defense will be fine so long as we stop giving the other team short fields. We got this.
  3. Same old shit. Somehow they have had an unchecked majority in the Lege plus every statewide office every year this century yet can never seem to achieve their legislative goals.
  4. The time to avenge 1928 is almost upon us.
  5. We are just living in Indiana's world
  6. This is why I think Michael Moore might be right and maybe we will win. But obviously we need to keep a close eye on it. We win three of these four states and it is over.
  7. I was not confident at all eight years ago and I certainly was not four years ago because Trump was in office and who the hell knows might happen? I am optimistic now because of the early voting data in Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. I feel like we have a good chance. It is what it is though.
  8. Well that's true. And with so many people already having voted it might be too late to make a huge difference anyway.
  9. Look she might not appear on Rogan, and really I guess that is alright. Biden didn't appear on Rogan and Trump didn't exactly knock it out of the park. But I really think it would be useful if she did. Joe wouldn't push too hard on her and plenty of his listeners would hear what she has to say.
  10. The Army caissons are rolling all the way to playoffs baby!
  11. I mean I know this. Our immigration policy is a disaster, completely divorced from reality and needs of our country and economy, and for various reasons neither party is able to solve it. The Democrats because fixing it would force them to acknowledge that tons of work in this country is being done by sub-minimum wage workers and they don't really want to solve that. By Republicans because their base is just anti-immigration in general but the economy needs the cheap labor. So everybody is a big hypocrite and lets the current situation continue. But I will read it @David Dennison if you think it will give me some new information.
  12. I don't know if Navy has this comeback in them.
  13. And these people are legal asylum seekers waiting for their hearings right? Just bizarre.
  14. As if the inflation in 2021 had to do with Biden's policies. The Republicans were already blaming him for it in January 2021. But I knew it was a good strategy and would probably work. Frankly I was shocked we did as well as we did in 2022. But inflation has been low for a bit so I am curious if it will still have much traction. The fact that most of the ads seem to be about trans and immigrants suggests to me we might be out of woods on this issue, at least politically. Still practical work needs to be done of course. But we will see.
  15. This weird opinion that somehow foreign leaders respect or don't respect our Presidents based entirely on what party they are in is a bunch of nonsense anyway. The truth is that respect has nothing to do with it. Foreign powers look at our Presidents as situations to be managed, regardless of who it is. If it is Kamala or Trump they will figure out what they need to do to get what they want. And most of the work is done by seasoned state department officials anyway. It isn't like Joe Biden gets sent out there very often. Sure I guess sometimes we get some foreign policy veteran like Ike in charge but barely ever happens. He might be the only one actually.
  16. Just because a lot of people listen to it. Larger audience than most of those rallies she is doing. And Joe is not exactly known for ferociously grilling his guests.
  17. Yeah, I hope she ends up going on Rogan. Sooner the better.
  18. Yeah. I understand that sometimes you go bankrupt. Sudden economic disaster happened. You took a business risk that went south. Sometimes best laid plans go astray and you don't want to saddle people with debt slavery their whole lives when that happens. But if you are just going bankrupt over and over again, at some point it looks like you are just gaming the system and what you are doing is basically stealing. Not to name any names or anything.
  19. If that is really you I am glad. But man I used to do this all the time and back in the past I could have discussions with conservatives that kind of went somewhere, we could come to some kind of agreement on things. That is not to say I never got screamed at and called names and shit, back in the 1990s I used to regularly have people lose their shit on me not because I liked Bill Clinton, I didn't and never voted for him, but because I was insufficiently opposed to him. Crazy. Then eventually it reached a point where I could almost reach a point where me and some conservative could admit we agreed basically on some idea but then at the last second they would pull back and inform me that we could never agree and fuck me and blah blah. And now, shit, somebody will say something about a topic and I might come in with "actually I have a different viewpoint on that topic, I think that..." and then the very next thing they do is insist I am a liar or evil or whatever. So it breaks down almost immediately. I don't know man. I don't really want to do it anymore. I am tired after decades of discussions that often had productive starts that ultimately went nowhere and I am tired of being respectful and trying to come up with decent points only for it to break down into personal attacks. Just tired of it. But you are out there having productive discussions with us lefties and calmly sharing ideas, that's great. More power to you.
  20. It's true. No team has ever lost game 1 of the World Series and managed to win. Might as well give up now.
  21. Would like to see Ohtani finally win it. Too bad he couldn't bring Mike Trout with him.
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