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Everything posted by Valmy77

  1. Weird. I don't recall that election ever really being in doubt.
  2. Extending registration and the ability to vote absentee is out, but just not voting at all and declaring the election for Trump "makes a lot of sense"? Yeah, ok dude.
  3. If so, I sure hope she takes the opportunity. But my impression is she has tried to go on the show and he has said no. But what do I know? I haven't listened to his show or followed Rogan news since 2021 or so.
  4. Like the Vanderbilt and Rockefeller clans before them you just have to wait until their fortunes get split into smaller and smaller portions as the generations roll by. Granted in the case of Musk that shouldn't take so long since he seems to have a ton of kids.
  5. It is obvious why Trump is here: to do the Rogan show. The guy who said he would never have Trump on, but I have given up on Joe awhile ago. It does make me wonder if Allred actually has a chance against Cruz for Harris to actually swing by. But I dare not get my hopes up.
  6. I had answers for this in 2016. Now? It is best just not to think about it.
  7. Obviously Houston turnout is great. But what we need is Dallas turnout to be high. Not to mention El Paso and San Antonio. All the major cities need to come out strong every election and we have just not been able to make that happen. It seems like we have come tantalizingly close in the recent decade but still...
  8. One of the problems with just looking at total votes for the US House is that there are so many unopposed seats. Like in my district John Carter ran unopposed in 2022 after having over 45% of the votes going to Democratic challengers in 2018 and 2020. So I guess if you just look at overall votes in my district one might think there was a massive shift rightwards, with everybody excitedly jumping on the MAGA bandwagon, but in fact there was simply no Democratic candidate. But maybe you are accounting for this and only looking at races without unopposed candidates. Or those districts in California where you can have Democrats running against Democrats and Republicans running against Republicans in the general.
  9. Oklahoma is Texas without the major urban areas. Not disrespect to the cosmopolitan centers of OKC and Tulsa.
  10. Can you imagine? Early voting would be insane if turning in your vote insulated you from all campaign ads.
  11. 2014 with the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson I think? Or maybe it was Trayvon Martin in 2012? I don't know. All these incidents and the responses to them kind of meld together as time goes on.
  12. I am sorry for your loss and your sister's. I guess if Trump loses a state by one vote we will know where God stands.
  13. Damn that is a long time. Are they doing an entire Beyonce concert during the rally?
  14. As they are probably running unopposed, they probably can win it without you.
  15. Fair. I hate the whole idea of going to a political rally even if I love the candidate. But it would still be cool to hear what one of you thought about it if one of you go.
  16. Well that's different. ICE vehicles are familiar and old. It is less scary to die in one of those.
  17. Yeah it could be that to. Buy Tesla! But if all MAGA nation goes out and buys electric cars I guess that would be a win. Anybody going to this rally?
  18. Being afraid and grumpy of new technology is one of Trump's deals. He went on this bizarre rant encouraging people to buy incandescent light bulbs while President. It was weird.
  19. Navy is putting their undefeated record on the line against Notre Dame. But don't worry everyone, as this game will not impact the inevitable double Army-Navy game as this is an out of conference game. However to really get what we all want it would sure be cool, and hilarious, if both Army and Navy were 11-0 going into the double Army-Navy game. So hopefully Navy sinks the Irish. Edit: Oh and Army is taking the week off, getting ready for the Zoomies.
  20. The Pandemic helped old man Biden by keeping him from having to travel the country and hold rallies. Yeah the pandemic was pretty much over, at least in its most annoying forms, by November. I didn't end up getting Covid until 2022 fortunately.
  21. Feeling pretty good about Georgia and Pennsylvania based on what you guys have been posting. Kamala wins those and we should be good. We should know fairly early on how things are going but Pennsylvania took forever to count votes last time so maybe not.
  22. They might exceed slightly, but only because there are more voters in Harris County in 2024 overall.
  23. At a private jet terminal at that. Just a photo op obviously.
  24. I remember the giant caravan slowly moving towards our borders in the 2018 election. Did it ever get here or is this the same caravan?
  25. Around here they are released right when the polls close at 7.
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