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Everything posted by Valmy77

  1. If only I could figure out how to just hear Fozzy.
  2. Corey Pullig was such a dork.
  3. What exactly have we done that would resemble "continuing to make a lot of hay"? We won the game. And then this week we played another game. They seem to be making a lot of hay from their loss to Notre Dame. Quality loss > wins.
  4. Maybe not, but the stakes were still extremely high. Teams cheated their ass off 90 years ago just as much as they ever did. I mean there weren't millions of dollars at stake in 1992, but the refs still made sure Baylor won Grant Teaff's last game.
  5. I hope she finds something at HEB that help the Volleyball team start winning again. Rough start to the season by our standards.
  6. Congrats Cowboys on your Scorigami. This game now has a special place in history.
  7. The Refs have had this issue for over 100 years. Surely any chaos has already inflicted us.
  8. Calling a shut out. Texas 56 ULM 0 Arch 270
  9. Dude...you won the title. Enjoy your championship, nobody can take it away. Don't mind us being extremely bitter about it.
  10. You can. It will be awhile before I can emotionally and psychologically accept we are a SEC school.
  11. Least it isn't a real team like Toledo or anything. Mississippi State:
  12. Yeab that was 1983. 1984 was the season we collapsed.
  13. Ok fine. The last THREE times we were ranked #1 in the regular season were 2008, 2005, and 1984. Still a really rare thing for Texas football.
  14. It was because for one week the computers loved us. We weren't ranked above USC in any of the polls.
  15. Our first time being #1 in the regular season since 2008 I think. And hell I am not even sure the last time we were #1 in the regular season prior to 2008. I am going to enjoy this this week. Edit: Ok so the last two times Texas was ranked #1 in the regular season was 2008 and...1984. So a rare honor for us.
  16. ULM is a running team right? I feel like this is a good opportunity for another shut out. So I don't know. 52-0 again might be realistic even with our injuries.
  17. Heh. I did that for years when I was a kid. And I vividly remember the first time I showed up to the game and there were no tickets to be had for $20. It was 1998, Mack Brown and Ricky Williams killed those days...until 2015. In 2015 you could basically go to every game for free and I pretty much did. Of course you also had to watch the 2015 Texas Longhorns play football. In the Sims/Applewhite/Vince/Colt era I was living in a shitty apartment in North Austin and working a shitty office job and I would save up $100 for each home game and I got in every game, except for Ohio State 2006, and often had enough for a snack or something. But the total amount I saved up to see Vince play in every home game in 2005 will not even be close to the amount of money I would need just to buy tickets for me and my family to watch this version of Texas play Florida or Kentucky for one game. Crazy. In fact it will be well in excess of twice that.
  18. The tickets are crazy expensive this year. I usually go to one game in October or November and holy crap. I am having a hell of a time pulling the trigger on this. Like certain A&M 9.95ers I make six figs but I am clearly a poor in the Texas Football fanbase.
  19. Meh. Refs always do that. Humans are always going to have a bias. Doubt they are actively trying to rig games for K-State, they just suck sometimes.
  20. Valmy77

    Florida Gators

    I think Florida should wait until after the season to evaluate the head coach situation. Let's not be too hasty and give Coach Napier a chance to right the ship. Or at least until after November 9th.
  21. I was thinking about Mack Brown's idiotic comment after he was all butthurt about the Sims-Applewhite thing "if you have two Quarterbacks, you have no Quarterbacks." Um...no Mack. If you have two Quarterbacks, you have two Quarterbacks which might be a really nice thing if one were to...I don't know...get injured at a key moment. It would sure be unfortunate if that were to happen to your team after you worked so hard to never have a QB controversy again.
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