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Everything posted by Valmy77

  1. You're right. Sorry.
  2. I would hope this would put that to bed. But maybe not. Maybe the Dems just decided not to rig this one for some reason.
  3. I disagree with most of your interpretation but fair enough. Ultimately his job was to defeat Trump and keep the country safe from him and he failed to do it.
  4. We're having a bad night ok?
  5. I don't know if he is wrong, but I certainly was horrified Joe was intending to run again. I thought the understanding was he was going to be a one term President. Who knows what we would gotten out of a full primary though. But we had the inflation no matter who it was. Trump's mythology was going to be there no matter who it was.
  6. They went to attack the Congress and Senate. Who were only protected by the capital police. And unnecessary, if they wanted Trump to be President, they only had to wait. Doesn't this put a lie to the idea that the Democrats are stealing elections? Yet the guy who has insisted this non-stop for 9 years is going to be President again. Doesn't that bother you?
  7. He certainly was smart to distance himself from it. The problem is the people who wrote it surround him and he is ancient. I guess we now find out if the Democrats were correct.
  8. As it turns out...yes.
  9. Yeah I don't have a clue why his approval rating was so bad. It was a miracle he got done what he got done and I thought most of it was good. He barely had a mandate but he got a lot done. Which was impressive. So what do I know? It was the inflation and I knew that was going to be a problem. The Republicans were already saddling him with that before he was even sworn in and it worked. My main criticism of his and his administration was his insane choice to run again. That was a terrible idea. That may have destroyed everything.
  10. I am thankful Trump is old and there is no clear replacement for him. There is very little else to be optimistic about.
  11. Well I am clearly useless. I thought they needed to be more populist and they were but to little effect.
  12. She has. The Democrats have been. It just didn't stick.
  13. Maybe. I was a little hopeful after 2018 and 2020. We did the best we had done in decades. But that might have been the high water mark and not the road to victory unfortunately.
  14. They will do it tomorrow. Trump said in 2016 virtually the day after he won that the economy was suddenly great because he won. Because that is how economics work.
  15. No. It's over. You were right. I kind of suspected you were but, you know, I had to keep myself optimistic going into this thing.
  16. I know. We were so close to be done with him. But no. The circus goes on.
  17. But let me tell you now that Trump won the right wing economy is going to insist it is amazing. And it is. And then they will trash it. As usual.
  18. The idea that there was this big centrist group waiting to be courted was always wrongheaded. Centrism died in 2016. Again, it wasn't perfect but I don't know if there is some kind of messaging that could have carried the day.
  19. Yeah well I have a feeling the oligarchs can afford the military gear to make your AR-15 pretty pointless. This isn't the 18th century. Attack drones and other advanced military tech are going to be harder to take out than redcoats.
  20. I don't think Ztejas is. But heck I can't read his mind.
  21. I guess. I am not saying they were perfect or anything. But the idea that the Democrats can just play perfect politicalball and get it done when the Republicans can have mobs storming the castle is hard to justify. It feels like we have to be perfect and they can do whatever. Anyway I have no ability to shape any political apparatuses. So I guess I am stuck with whatever it can accomplish.
  22. It wouldn't. It would look like an insurgency and from what we have seen of modern Civil Wars is they just go on forever and ever and never seem to resolve themselves until everybody is just exhausted. It wouldn't solve a damn thing.
  23. Dude, this isn't our first election. But this does matter. Let's not pretend it doesn't.
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