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Everything posted by Valmy77

  1. Thanks for the two minute warning College Football. I hate it.
  2. Woooo!! Fuck yeah! No Mercy! Crush their spirits now Sark!
  3. Great fucking call Sark! TD Texas!
  4. Defender was there first looks to me. Fortunately it didn't matter.
  5. You would root for OU over Gundy? Dear God man.
  6. Oh sure their kicker doesn't suck. Ok let's make it 14-3
  7. Holy shit, really? This piggy worship is blasphemy.
  8. Wow that QB does suck. Hope he keeps sucking.
  9. But Texas showed we can move the ball against College Football's version of the 2000 Ravens. Get it back defense!
  10. That was a BS holding call. They better call that nonsense both ways.
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