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Everything posted by GlobalWarming2478

  1. You have got to be joking. You happy with the border? He should be impeached for that alone. Name one good thing he's done. He's worse than Obama, LBJ, and even Jimmy Carter.
  2. Hey look another total idiot.
  3. All the idiots posting in this thread are just proving the OP's points. What a bunch of losers. Embarrassing. You can only have one opinion in the Cloak Room otherwise the little pussies will neg and cancel you. Now it's in the Daily Texan. It's a liberal circle jerk in the Elon Musk thread. My God, we have the worst president in history right now and all these idiots want to do is complain about Trump. How's that border looking idiots? You going to be cheering when the next 911 happens? I guess a big part of it is that it's free. You don't see this many out of touch losers on the pay boards when it comes to politics. The Cloak Room is nothing but a toxic dump as proven on this thread.
  4. Congratulations for getting the surgery. It's great watching your progress. Sadly my late brother was addicted to food like you were. He was an athlete growing up but began eating like crazy after college and put on the weight that he would never lose. Developed type two diabetes and eventually died of a heart attack at 53. I lost so much sleep over the years worrying about him, and I knew it would get him some day. You are a true inspiration. Keep on kicking butt.
  5. He and the whole staff are doing a hell of a job. Way too early to be saying he should stay or go right now. I wonder if he holds onto everyone committed and those left with eligibility if he stays. That would be a huge consideration if we end the season on a great note.
  6. So is Watson just another liberal jackass or is he going to do anything about this mess?
  7. Not sure that it matters, buy you couldn't have come up with a better day weather wise than today.
  8. He showed a complete lack of loyalty to Gundy. I'd say bye bye too.
  9. You went to a campaign event for that f...ing loser? Bwahaha
  10. Pitt Panthers too apparently.
  11. Probably his brother. Looks just like him.
  12. I believe that CTJ previously stated that we were told by a S, DE, and OL that they were coming. I wonder if this is still the case, and if any have entered the portal yet.
  13. Saw him at the game tonight. That's a good sign.
  14. Sad deal. I knew his late father in Bastrop. He was a good man.
  15. Hudson Card has been screwed over for two years now. No telling how good he would be right now if he'd been able to play more. He looked good in his time this year. Ewers will be good in time, but we'll never know how things would have looked had Sark not had his head in the wrong place.
  16. I thought this was a thread about the Aggies falling apart.
  17. Yeah expecting this kid to behave for another 10 months or so seems like a tall order considering his history. Who knows, maybe he'll mature. Staying off of social media would be a nice step.
  18. He's played in every game as the holder on field goals and extra points.
  19. I love this Austin weather right now. Highs in the 50's. Gives me more energy to get things done.
  20. I'm a bit tired of "That's so you", and "Yeah it is."
  21. He looks just like he's coached lately. He needs to not let his wife dress him.
  22. What a stupid comment. He's not going to be damaged for life if he's taken out of a game where he's playing like crap. Card definitely should have played. Anyone who says that Card sucks is a total idiot who doesn't know football.
  23. Take it to the Cloak Room assclown.
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