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TornACL last won the day on June 13 2020

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  1. Gotta write a big, big check to the Salvation Army. Personally I think it would be far cheaper, and possibly more effective, to somehow involve Rowdy in some sort of tragic grain silo accident.
  2. I heard that this could have been avoided if NFL players didn't kneel for the national anthem.
  3. It's what you can expect when you elect a news website comment section to the highest office.
  4. Those of you who think no one could possibly be stupid enough confuse the Bucees logo with those other logos have obviously never been inside of a Bucees.
  5. The complaining about it is much more annoying. It's just like when the Big 12 cucks always complained that Texas got all the calls.
  6. Fuck the Lions. I was already tired of their shit. That Fox pregame bit with Lions fans dreaming about what it will feel like when they win the SB was horrible karma. Anyone but the Fucking Eagles. I would like to see Buffalo finally get one.
  7. The fact that the game thread was only two pages says it all about the lack of energy around this program right now.
  8. It took me 30 years but I am completely dead inside as a Cowboys fan, so I hope they make the most ridiculous hire yet and that it crashes and burns spectacularly. Fuck you Jerry, you fucking imbecils.
  9. I always wonder if that happens. Out of 90000 people, there has to be a handful of dumbasses who actually Uber to Fair Park and wonder why it's so dead.
  10. Yeah anybody still worried about the roads is just being a giant pussy at this point.
  11. Blow it up, start over. I don't care about the "comeback"
  12. I think it's an interesting approach. Foreign policy built piecemeal by randomly selected Facebook comments that begin with "How come" * How come we let them name it the Gulf of Mexico? " How come they waste all that waterfront real estate in Greenland? Etc etc
  13. That Feb 2010 wasn't too bad from a driving perspective, I drove to DFW Airport the morning after the snow dumped. The highways were ok, the neighborhoods sucked because obviously no snow plows What I remember about Feb 2010 was that it wasn't supposed to be that much snow. Then I looked out the window and it looked like we were in Canada (I presume, fuck living up north). By far the heaviest snowfall I have ever seen living here.
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