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Everything posted by TornACL

  1. I lost interest in this game but legs mcgee standing up behind home plate can get it.
  2. That sucks for Montgomery. He's a hell of a player.
  3. Personally I think we should go full European soccer with it, smoke bombs, flares, and tifos. The whole shebang.
  4. I think this review is actually a phone-a-friend to refresh on the rule book.
  5. I think the atmosphere at the Disch is top notch, especially in June. Maybe some of us have forgotten since our stupid fucking coach has put us out on the road the last two postseasons. It's the best home crowd we have, with the possible exception of volleyball. Knowledgeable, engaged, loud, intimidating to road opponents. Sorry we don't blow bubbles like A&M or do synchronized slow claps like Tennessee.
  6. Today I learned that Brock Cunningham is facing jail time for his style of hard play. Lulz. Whoever is running that Twitter account is either 14 years old or an absolute loser. Or both.
  7. The same reason people leave jobs all the time. For the fucking money.
  8. He can hit the gym so he can be prepared to fight someone over fantasy football again. What a fucking loser.
  9. Any of these UCONN pitchers wanna maybe consider transferring to Texas next season?
  10. Lol Sooners
  11. Is this like when Michigan gets in trouble and so the NCAA drops the hammer on Idaho State?
  12. RIP Bill Little, but I have to laugh about him "recommending" the best coach in college baseball. Yeah way to go out on a limb, Bill. I am sure DeLoss was like "Intriguing... And how do you spell that gentleman's name?"
  13. I suspect we already have our guy and we're just waiting for that coaches season to end before it's announced. So just because we don't hear anything, don't assume it's being slow played. I don't have any 995 to confirm that, just seems to be the way it's gone under CDC.
  14. I dislike the "only change if you can upgrade" thing that people always say. First of all, no fucking shit. The reason you're thinking about firing a guy is because he's not performing. I also don't think that fear of screwing up the hiring process should keep you married to a poor coach. That's horrible logic.
  15. If we saw their best starter on Friday then I am not worried a single fuck about their second best starter. Fuck the Cajuns.
  16. I would never fire for Pierce for his coaching. I would absolutely fire Pierce for his roster management.
  17. I am totally fine with seeing 51 pitches or whatever through 3.
  18. That was the same dip shit who was bitching about every call in the UT UL game
  19. Score another dozen runs tonight, win 12-9 and make Aggie throw about 250 pitches before their early game tomorrow.
  20. They seem like the Texas Tech of the Carolinas. Impossible to root for those clowns.
  21. I think he sucks and we're going to tee off on him.
  22. Replace "they have" with "Sasha has".
  23. Let's goooooooooo (to sleep)
  24. I'm giving this thing one more half inning. Pretty nice to be through 9.5 innings in 2.5 hours though. Guess that's what happens when you have a combined 0 runs and 11 hits.
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